I have ADHD and in recent years I have had the emergence of OCD. Everyday is a struggle when I do repetitive actions that interfere with daily activities 😭. Has anyone else with ADHD suddenly acquired OCD? How can I treat this?
@jjcho849 Sorry to hear that. It 's not very easy to recommend solutions to others. All I can suggest is take it one small step at a time. Mental and emotional control are difficult. Breaking habits can good, and bad. Sometimes you just end up replacing one with another.
@jjcho849 Not to mention....what you see as being an issue....another may not. Everything is relative. It could be worse - you could be a violent ass hole ! You could be cruel....or selfish. there are worse things Man.
@jjcho849 Yeah, man. It's a tough road to take. But, unless you want to go the medication route which is not something I know anything about, it's really a matter of awareness, self-monitoring, and self-discipline.