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What’s the most supportive way..

that I can react to a suicidal comment from a suicidal person? I tried ignoring it and light heartedly changing the subject. I don’t want it to come off like I don’t care but I also don’t want to feed into their melancholy. Also what is the reason behind the exhibition of such feelings? Genuinely trying to comprehend.
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4meAndyou · F
That's a cry for help. OR it might just be a cry for attention.

Take it seriously, though.

I have a friend who is an absolute Drama Queen. I've lost track of all the times he has mentioned killing himself. I've actually called his doctors and told them he needs help.

One thing I HAVE learned about him during the 12 years I've known him is that he is terrified of death, and goes to extremes trying to get himself treated for his hundreds of different ailments, whether real or imagined. Basically, I KNOW he is not serious. I also know that if he KNEW I had reported him to his doctors, (years ago now), he would never forgive me and would not still be my friend.

THINK about the person who is threatening, and try to think about whether or not this is something they would actually do.

IF you think he or she is serious, you should call the nearest suicide hotline and ask them how to handle it.
@4meAndyou thanks I thought it might a a cry for help but helping them is hard they usually run away close up and don’t share. I’m trying to work on the just listen and don’t input let them vent. I find myself without answers tho at the end and I don’t want that to get misinterpreted like they are right in their melancholy. Just wished they would feel better..
4meAndyou · F
@userfawkes1105 Call the Suicide hotline. They might be able to advise you far better than I can.
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Carazaa · F
Show you care! Say " I care about you and promise you won't hurt yourself. If you feel so sad go to an emergency room and tell a doctor, they will give you instant meds or if you want, they can keep you until you feel better." If they won't promise or go to a doctor, you can call the psychologist at the police station and ask them to do a safety check at their house!
@Carazaa that’s a great idea I had no idea the authorities did that. The whole promise me you won’t hurt urself just fuels them tho
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
Sadly, you have to take these things with a grain of salt, i try to be more of an ear than feed into it. I would never want to come off as someone encouraging it, i pray that everyone seeks help so that's what i usually encourage them to do. I've noticed that there are alot of people on here with mental health issues.
@AngelUnforgiven yeah it’s a little sad how that happens. Are we devolving? Is it natural selection at play? I dare not ask but I do wonder it to myself why it’s so abundant. It’s a heavy topic I suppose.
Give them the crisis hotline #

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