Coworker said something cruel and I cried at work.
So as many of you know, I am 59 years old and alone and having a very hard time with aging, losing my looks, strength, etc.
I work as a cashier in a grocery store and most of our customers come in every single day and we all know their names and everything that goes on in their lives- they are family.
So there's one young guy that comes in almost every night and buys either one beer or sometimes a 6 pack. Occasionally he comes in with his girlfriend, but mostly alone. He's always friendly and talkative.
For some reason, after having to card him so much, I remembered his birthday and I would blurt it out before he would pull out his ID and it became a funny joke between us that I would remember it.
I have remembered the phone number I had growing up, over 50 years ago. I remember most of the PLU numbers of vegetables and fruits without looking them up, and I remember most of the Tax ID numbers of businesses that get tax exempt off their groceries. It's just memorizing numbers from repetition, no big deal.
So anyway, last night at work, it was very slow and we were all acting silly and bored, and the young guy whose birthday I had memorized came in with his girlfriend and the coworker who was working that register was reaching for his id to card him for beer and I was bored and I walked over and laughed and said his birthday and me and the guy and his girlfriend laughed about how I always remember it.
So my coworker looked at us funny and I explained how his birthday had randomly got stuck in my memory bank and I always remember when he comes in.
And then she LOUDLY said "wow- that's really creepy having an old lady stalking you like that!" Right in front of him and his girlfriend. She did not say it in a joking manner, but very derogatory and rude.
So keep in mind that I am overly sensitive about 2 things- my age and my weight.
I completely lost it, cussed her out, flipped her off and walked off and told the supervisor how she had humiliated me in front of the customer.
I have not cried in a very long time, maybe years, but I burst out crying and couldn't stop. I realized that no matter how hard I try to dress cute and act young and wear makeup and try to look pretty, I am nothing but an old lady who has lost her looks and my life is over now and I will always be alone, so why should I even bother trying to look good? Might as well cut my hair short so I can finally really fit the profile of middle aged old lady. Might as well wear polyester pants and get a membership to play bingo somewhere.
I know I have overreacted but everyone in the world has something that sets them off and that they are sensitive about and my age just happens to be mine.
The girl who said the mean comment has not bothered to apologize at all and I will never speak to her again other than work related issues.
This was last night and I am off today and haven't been able to stop crying and being depressed about being old and ugly now.
I work as a cashier in a grocery store and most of our customers come in every single day and we all know their names and everything that goes on in their lives- they are family.
So there's one young guy that comes in almost every night and buys either one beer or sometimes a 6 pack. Occasionally he comes in with his girlfriend, but mostly alone. He's always friendly and talkative.
For some reason, after having to card him so much, I remembered his birthday and I would blurt it out before he would pull out his ID and it became a funny joke between us that I would remember it.
I have remembered the phone number I had growing up, over 50 years ago. I remember most of the PLU numbers of vegetables and fruits without looking them up, and I remember most of the Tax ID numbers of businesses that get tax exempt off their groceries. It's just memorizing numbers from repetition, no big deal.
So anyway, last night at work, it was very slow and we were all acting silly and bored, and the young guy whose birthday I had memorized came in with his girlfriend and the coworker who was working that register was reaching for his id to card him for beer and I was bored and I walked over and laughed and said his birthday and me and the guy and his girlfriend laughed about how I always remember it.
So my coworker looked at us funny and I explained how his birthday had randomly got stuck in my memory bank and I always remember when he comes in.
And then she LOUDLY said "wow- that's really creepy having an old lady stalking you like that!" Right in front of him and his girlfriend. She did not say it in a joking manner, but very derogatory and rude.
So keep in mind that I am overly sensitive about 2 things- my age and my weight.
I completely lost it, cussed her out, flipped her off and walked off and told the supervisor how she had humiliated me in front of the customer.
I have not cried in a very long time, maybe years, but I burst out crying and couldn't stop. I realized that no matter how hard I try to dress cute and act young and wear makeup and try to look pretty, I am nothing but an old lady who has lost her looks and my life is over now and I will always be alone, so why should I even bother trying to look good? Might as well cut my hair short so I can finally really fit the profile of middle aged old lady. Might as well wear polyester pants and get a membership to play bingo somewhere.
I know I have overreacted but everyone in the world has something that sets them off and that they are sensitive about and my age just happens to be mine.
The girl who said the mean comment has not bothered to apologize at all and I will never speak to her again other than work related issues.
This was last night and I am off today and haven't been able to stop crying and being depressed about being old and ugly now.