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how do i deal with a next door neighbor that has really bad psych issues?

not sure what her problem is, i think she could have something like schizophrenia, my sister had it and she had a case manager seeing her all the time, my neighbor has one, i heard she had a bubble on her brain and ive heard her cough a lot like shes throwing up too, made me wonder if she had a brain tumor and was on chemo, i cant ask her cause i cant talk to her, she gets really mean, curses at me when she sees me , or does other weird stuff, yesterday i was just coming back to my apt, she opened her door and saw me and slammed it really hard, made me feel so bad that she was so mad cause i was in the hallway. i tried to tell my apt manager about it but he acts like the door got slammed cause of the wind, i know it wasnt cause i saw her when she saw me and the door slammed really hard, its unfair cause a couple of times someone on my floor slammed the door and she called the cops on me and one of my neighbors for it when we didnt even do it. so i had to talk to a police officer twice for something i didnt do, so why was it okay for her to do it but not any of us? she can get really mean, she dont even know where her daughters are cause they wont contact her cause of the way she is. i heard her kids got taken away from her, so she was probably abusive with them, shes right next door to me too, ive wanted to move but cant find a place, wish she would move, noone takes me seriously when i complain about it, anyways to get her out of here, heard she pulled a knife on someone in another bulding, how do i deal with someone like that when i cant find a place, its not the money, its all the waiting lists for places, ive wanted to move back to syr ny but i cant get a place there either, thought of renting a room from someone, i have income, just cant find something, any suggestions?
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She sounds like a sad, lonely woman who has no control over her sickness..

You see?? We all need to understand that mental illness is as serious as physical ones, if not more…

When we hear someone has cancer , we all try to help them but when we hear someone is schizophrenic, we call them strange, mean, and dangerous … that’s because we have no idea what they’re going through ….

My suggestion to you is that not to get on her way, don’t talk about her to others and try to be more considerate … that’s the least one can do to help …. she is lonely and she can feel the hate towards her… that can’t be fun when one is sick …

Much love to you .. 🌹🥰❤️

I know… I very well agree ….. it’s even worse than a codependent taking care of an alcoholic …
@Soossie No, I've been meaning to follow this up with you, sorry. You didn't make me angry; the subject does, though. I loved how you made your thoughts known. I thought very compassionate of you. It's all complex when you look at the everyday, as everyone deserves peace of mind, but those who can find and not debilitated by a mental illness I hold my sympathy towards. And there is a prejudice in the world, that believes behaviour is from the mind, and not a physical manifestation of the mind, that holds less empathy towards mental health. I was trying to equate, my ex dealing with her mum with schizophrenia, her father having cancer, is of no lesser value and should come with equal understanding. I thought your words were very kind and compassionate, as a gentle reminder. My anger reflected that only, sorry.

Thank you … and my apologies for misunderstanding …. I’m glad that you understood my point to my sister, Pearl … 🙏🤗
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I feel for you, sadly apart from moving and I know full well myself how impossible that can be I have no bright ideas.

If you can find a way of moving elsewhere that's your best bet.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
What a tricky position you're put in. I'm so sorry you must feel on guard all the time living next to her.
Carissimi · F
Stay away from her, and don’t engage in conversation when you see her. Just get on with your own life, and keep a low profile.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Hang a fake random decapitated head in front of her apartment I'm sure that you'll send her off into spasms.

Send unsigned postcards to her telling her that "They're coming for you, you better hide. don't let anybody in" then call the cops for a wellness check......

Make small figurines like in the Blair Witch Project and hang them around in places.....

I'm just really kidding I know you were probably looking at these with your eyes just bugging out your head. With certain people you just take it day by day and pray that somehow God returns their mind to them or somehow their life ends not terribly or stuff like that.

Where I am we have a couple people like that we have one who's just thinking that the CIA and FBI are after her another guy I think he does meth and so he's kind of does his medication but does go messing so he goes off his rocker sometimes.

I suggest you just keep looking and cross your fingers.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I've got no suggestions but I've got some insight into schizophrenia, but probably not as much as you if you've experienced it first hand. Usually people with schizophrenia are not a danger to other people, but mostly to themselves as it causes them to cover in fear rather than attacking whatever they're seeing. That's because usually the threat they imagine is much more powerful than they feel like they could deal with, for example a government or an unkillable demon. Their imagination will overlap with reality and it'll turn people they know into strangers out to get them, it's really unsettling.
Lilnonames · F
Hope it gets all sorted out🤗

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