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GLITTER · 36-40, F
I can be my worst enemy and my best motivator. I think it depends on the day and the power of my mood
Only to the extent of my self unawareness, when I cannot see my own sabotages. In awareness, I am my best friend.
Ingwe · F
No I am my own cheerleader
PinkNailPolish89 · F
@Ingwe really?!? Have you always been that way? I struggle so much to believe anything positive I try to hype myself up about.
Ingwe · F
@PinkNailPolish89 I have always shown up for myself.
gol979 · 41-45, M
You are still you irrespective of "flesh suit" or formless....time to look in the mirror?
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
The great unknown might be worse than what we're experiencing now