Update on er visit
So when i decided to go to the er i picked one ive never been too. Hoping it might help. The other er staff seems annoyed by my outbursts and tics.
I did wait much longer to get to a room. Once there the doctor did a few test, more blood work and also discovered part of my sleeping issues this week. I picked up my pill Monday and didn't pay much attention. It seems cvs misread it and gave me a dose for a child not a full grown man.
So they fixed that and want me to do a sleep study next week.
So there's that
I did wait much longer to get to a room. Once there the doctor did a few test, more blood work and also discovered part of my sleeping issues this week. I picked up my pill Monday and didn't pay much attention. It seems cvs misread it and gave me a dose for a child not a full grown man.
So they fixed that and want me to do a sleep study next week.
So there's that