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Yes, when it’s a reminder of the pain I’ve experienced or the pain of what I’ve missed.
OogieBoogie · F
I get triggered everytime i see in a movie, a man strangling a woman. My throat closes up and i can't breath and i have to close my eyes and put my hands overy ears, or walk out of the room.
Even now .... just texting this - i can feel it coz im thinking about it.
Hence i dont like violence in movies unless its something surreal like sci-fi or fantasy - something UNreal.
Even now .... just texting this - i can feel it coz im thinking about it.
Hence i dont like violence in movies unless its something surreal like sci-fi or fantasy - something UNreal.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
Anything related to sexual abuse triggers me. Movie, TV or books, I can’t stand how this misery is portrayed in very detailed way to make profit.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
Thodsis · 51-55, M
seaglass · F
Yes, books, movies and series
Just reading some people׳s posts on here..
It happened only once when I was watching a movie with friends at cinema.
I had no idea my whole life would flash in front of me in just seconds
I had no idea my whole life would flash in front of me in just seconds
bijouxbroussard · F
When I see a child being bullied in a school setting, either by other kids or by adults it brings up ugly memories and I become very angry. It’s why I tend to block the freaks here who have fetishes around that topic. 😞
InOtterWords · F
I have PTSD and there are things that do trigger it.
I ised to read a series but then one had a sexual assault of a character that meant i couldnt finish the aeties.
Certain films and programmes i won't watch
And this is triggered in the sense it takes me down a psychotic crisis not just upsets me
I have PTSD and there are things that do trigger it.
I ised to read a series but then one had a sexual assault of a character that meant i couldnt finish the aeties.
Certain films and programmes i won't watch
And this is triggered in the sense it takes me down a psychotic crisis not just upsets me
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