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Fearing the end of the world?

Supposedly, the earliest prediction of the end of the world we have evidence for came from the Assyrians, a powerful Mesopotamian culture that lasted for roughly two thousand years. A tablet was found dating back to sometime between 2800 and 2500 BCE that bears the first known prophecy of the end of days. According to the translation, it claims that the earth was in its final days in those years, and that the world was slowly deteriorating into a corrupt society that would only end with its destruction.

Given it hasn't happened yet, we'll probably be fine for a while still.
And the battery still works on that tablet?!?! Those are the batteries we need nowadays

Ya, I know they didn't have internet back then.
calicuz · 56-60, M
No, we are being led on a path of destruction. There are those in high places with knowledge and they are keeping it to themselves, in order to save themselves.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Sounds like an excuse to hustle people to the temple
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
The year we live in could be off by 500 years.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔................What make of tablet.........iPad or android?
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Jimmy2016 we're talking ancient history here. Blackberry, of course.
Graylight · 51-55, F
We don’t have any evidence for the prediction of the end of the world from any culture, faith, create or a corner of the planet. We can’t predict the future, and we can’t find evidence for one prophecy or another.
Ynotisay · M
One constant throughout recorded history is that there is a ALWAYS a faction predicting the end of the world. Fascinates me.
msros · F
What if it ends suddenly without anyone knowing???
caesar7 · 61-69, M
I don't think the cause would be religious. It would be humanity who would destroy us. It's called a nuclear catastrophe.

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