Gingerbreadspice · F
I get up earlier to have 40 minutes of sit down time before getting ready for work. These 40 minutes go so fast. I drink my coffee and some toast, check my phone and watch people outside. You’ll find it sets you up for the day.
Kuronekko · 41-45, FNew
@Gingerbreadspice it's necessary for me. I was getting up half hour before i needed to do anything but found it was being taken up by just getting myself out of bed 🛌
I would always get up earlier so I have time to wake up before having to move. I have never been one out those 'out of bed and straight in the shower' kind of people. I'd be cross eyed 👀
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
I miss those days, I miss home. 💙
Kuronekko · 41-45, FNew
@mindstruggle where are you now?
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
I move to another place for work. I'll be back tho. ☺
I move to another place for work. I'll be back tho. ☺
I love those mornings
SomeMichGuy · M many people seem comforted by the 20th letter...I have to look into this "cup of T" thing...hmmmm...
Kuronekko · 41-45, FNew
@SomeMichGuy im English, its like breathing for us.
SomeMichGuy · M
@Kuronekko Yes, I am aware.
If the English had not found that Chinese export, the country's collective upper lip would not be able to be as stiff.
If the English had not found that Chinese export, the country's collective upper lip would not be able to be as stiff.
SomeMichGuy · M
...and we'd not have Capt. Picard ordering, "Earl Grey--hot!", either,@Kuronekko. 😉
popmol · 26-30, M
sounds quite peaceful!