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In the cuntinuing saga of my boss's ineptitude 🥴🥴 Please settle on the magic carpet as I regale you with the tale!!

Yesterday she comes to us (going to be vague so as not to divulge proprietary info, but honestly at this point I'm into the idea of tempting fate), "Do y'all remember that spreadsheet from that one insurance carrier, that said the type of coverage the patients had?"

Both of us: No.

Her: "Okay, well can you find it?"

Me: Do you have a title, a date, what it looked like?

Her: "Just find it, thanks."

So we start looking up random key words in Teams to see wtf she is on about..and finally find something from JULY that was NOT a spreadsheet, but a random question she had asked.

She then assigns us a spreadsheet and tells us that we should be able to get through 1500 entries in 2 hours, to see if the patients' plans are fully or self funded.

We quickly discover that some of the coverages are entirely inactive, or are PPO's, which have no delineation of fully/self-funded.

She comes back to me today (and only me even tho this concerned my coworker as well), and says that some of the patients' coverages say inactive at the top, but if we look at the bottom..they say active for some of the dates, and can I gather that info for her?

I said, well I have been told by the guy on the TX side that it is imperative I both get trained in payouts, and DO ALL of them, today. But if it is okay for me to miss that, sure.

She tells me yes, and to NOT CHANGE the verbiage from "inactive", but that if a patient is "inactive but active at the bottom, that is an 'unknown'".

Now, my boss HATES questions, bc she never knows the answers. So everythinggg she says is rushed, and you can either take your chances asking a question and get yelled at up FRONT, or you can guess at it and get yelled at at the END..if you didn't read her mind properly.

So I says to myself, I says, "SELF?! We are going to change the verbiage temporarily, bc HOW ELSE does this research of 120ish entries help us at ALL if I don't get the #'s, and just say they are all the same that they had been?!"

So I break it down for her with a legend:

- I changed the active ones to say, "Active, but unknown whether self/fully funded".
- I changed the inactive ones to be less vague: "No coverage found for the date of service" (The system only goes back a year, so sometimes the patient was truly active before a year ago, but weren't for the spreadsheet entry's date of service in question)
- I double checked that the PPO's were active, and listed them as "active, PPO".

I also said, IN MY LEGEND, that I UNDERSTOOD to not change anything from "inactive", but I HAD to if she wanted the #'s, and could very easily change them back to inactive once I HAD GIVEN HER THE #'s. This legit takes 5 seconds when you filter the spreadsheet.

She tells me to leave them how they were. So I said bet, I will switch them back to inactive now *EVEN THOUGH WE HAD NOT EVEN MET YET*. But I sez to mySELFFFF-fuhh, I sez, " a COPY of the spreadsheet first, bc you KNOW how this b is." So I save a copy to my desktop, convert it all back to the way it was before I did hours of research (inactive for every one of the 120 entries), and THEN she calls me.

Of course, she hadn't read the legend at all. She asks, "Were any of them inactive?"

Welp, my friends, that is a VERY dumb question..bc YES, there were INACTIVE ones that I had MENTIONED in my legend, and termed "No coverage found on the date of service".

THEN she asks, "How many were inactive??"

Me: WELL, you TOLD me to change them ALL to inactive, so all 120 are currently listed as inactive again. But, *prolonged, pronounced, pointed, perturbed, alliterative "I'm finding it" sigh, bc no more Mr. Nice Britt* I thought ahead to save a copy.


So I said, welppp, let me undo and go back 8x, and get you the data I had ORIGINALLY OFFERED YOU.

Her: "Yeah I told you to leave everything as inactive. So how many were inactive?"

Me: *Yeppp still finding it.....* According to my original researchhh-chuhh, there were ___ active, ___ truly inactive, ___ PPO's.

Her: Okay thanks.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Jesus Christ. This is the Peter principle in action.

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