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Mental health

I should probably seek a therapist or a psychiatrist to get diagnosed but

I consider myself to be a pretty empathetic person and I want what’s best for me and out of life but due to traumatic experiences that have shaped me have made me an anxious depressed person more often than I’d like to be.
I’m not suicidal at all, I love my body and I love myself however sometimes when I get into a funk I really feel low and just extremely sad and it just hits me and when it hits me it hits me hard. But I’ll snap out of it and be normal and happy again but this happens all of the time. Is anyone else like this?
BlueVeins · 22-25
My experience is kinda like that, and I've also never been to a therapist.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
What is it you feel sad about? What thoughts are you repeating in those lows? They're the clue to your root problem.
Which can be too overwhelming to process on your own, and that's why professionals exists. They have had thousands of patients with similar struggles so you can't make a fool out of yourself or be weird in their eyes. Yes, being vulnerable is tough,but staying like this in suffers, is tougher.
Oster1 · M
Yes, of course! We all are! There is one important lesson though!

All of us in this state of mind, have deep feelings, either real and/or perceived.

We have to be aware, that our thoughts and emotions, can deceive us.

Stay grounded and true to yourself. Keep moving forward. Challenge and question all.

It's so nice to see you, again. I haven't seen you, in a long time! Everything is going to be, OK!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Most everyone has depression. Some much more so then others.

Yet everyone handles it slightly differently.

If you are anxious about therapy you are not alone there either. There is many types of therapy though, so don't think it's a thing you have to see some sort of shrink.

Therapy can be just getting out and talking to your neighbor.

You just need to find what works for you. And that can be a challenge.

Some people's therapy is just a simple walk. A change of environment. 😊

BTW I just got back from such a walk. 😊
Renkon · 36-40, M
If you feel trapped in your depression and find it hard to break free, you need to see a therapist.

Otherwise, reach out to a friend or family member and open up to them. You're not asking for advice; you're making sure you don't struggle in those moments 'Alone'. Don't be Aloneis the crucial part.

Let yourself to cry if you need to. If you're angry, simply let it out. However, don't be alone.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
My depressive episodes hit like this sometimes. I can say that I love myself, although I don't love my body. But I get low, I get sad, I feel as though weighted, and I can't help but think sad and hopeless thoughts. It passes in a day or so, and then I'm only low-key depressed, like taking no joy in anything.
lilangel · 26-30, F
@Alyosha It is such a paradoxical thing. I have ambition and goals and I have a love for life. I genuinely care about myself but when I start to feel like this it hits me so hard I feel helpless but then I snap out of it yet it always continues as a cycle
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Sounds a lot like depression. The episodes can come and go, I find. Thankfully they're relatively rare now in my case. I think bibliotherapy and counselling can definitely help. Self awareness is a great start, I think. All the best to you.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Therapy will do wonders, I’ve been in therapy for almost a decade. Saved my life..
lilangel · 26-30, F
I have a fear of being judged and feeling vulnerable and an irrational feeling they will make fun of me. How often do you go and how did you get past the stage of feeling uncomfortable in being vulnerable and how do you pick a therapist that works for you? @Quetzalcoatlus
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
@lilangel about once a month now. I used to go once a week. No mental health professional will make you feel judged or uncomfortable. If they do, you have the choice to pick another one…
Penny · 46-50, F
It could be hormone related if its not due to trauma. Or both. Eat healthy foods or herbs that help with hormonal balancing and avoid stuff with endocrine disruptors in them. Theres a lot of bad chemicals in some plastics and beauty products to watch out for.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Frequency varies but I tip over the edge of a deep dark black hole. Sometimes it is only a few hours others days and I can't say what helps me out.

Mind is suicidal though. This time is inundated with the thought that everyone would be better off without me about.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
American insurance companies are supposed to cover therapy. But they have no problem with older (cheaper) meds.

Good luck on finding a therapist who won't force Christianity on you.

Reading Proust helps.
You sound pretty normal to me. It's not realistic to be happy all the time. And, this is a hard world in which it's easy to be happy even most of the time.

I think you're doing fine.
TexChik · F
It wouldn’t be a bad idea to find a psychiatrist . They are the gurus of brain chemistry and can prescribe meds if necessary . Traumatic events do unseen damage.
I saw a therapist for anxiety for years. It really didn't help but the medication he prescribed did.
lilangel · 26-30, F
@Spoiledbrat what did you take if you don’t mind sharing
@lilangel Clonazepam
UnlikeableAndy · 36-40, M
I am like this sometimes. I a
Suicidal sometimes. It sucks you feel like this, if you want to chat about it , you got my Snap
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Most people go through things like that, but definitely don't let it get any worse, mental health is a very serious thing
JP1119 · 36-40, M
Sorry you’re so sad. Have you mostly had a good summer?
JP1119 · 36-40, M
I wish you’d post more often.
Yes, It sucks. Day by day.
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
Sounds like you're on the right track,you know your self worth,just gotta love day by day 🤗

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