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Damn Hip Opening Yoga

“ Stretching the hip muscles causes a release; pent-up emotions may resurface, suppressed memories may arise, unconscious tension still held onto from a traumatic event may bubble up. All of which may unleash a seemingly inexplicable barrage of tears” -Ana Sugarman

I know going into that when you do a hip opening flow that emotions will come up but no matter what I do to prepare for it I still feel so sad the next day. I guess if it happens every time then I should just accept it and only do that flow when I know I don’t have to do anything the next day. Hopefully whatever comes up to be healed today is healed because this shit sucks lol
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Reflective · 36-40, M
Yeah. I used to be the one in class always requesting it. That was during a time where I was practicing an hour a day every day so I think I worked though a lot. I kind of fell off my practice for a year so now I get to work through whatever I’ve been storing there. It’s just difficult to want to keep putting myself through that over and over again. But it is the solution
JustNik · 51-55, F
If you do it more regularly does the difficult effect lessen?

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