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Anyone on iFunny?

Poll - Total Votes: 9
Yea I’m still on there
Wtf no
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I’ve been on iFunny for over 3,000 days, anyone else still actively on iFunny?😂
Pearbear2 · 22-25, F
A meme app that’s full of degenerates 😂@Royricky09
@Pearbear2 I just saw the website.... Too bad it's not available for download here.... 😞
Pearbear2 · 22-25, F
Oh I have no idea where you’re from but it’s available on android and Apple to download @Royricky09
looping · 18-21
i've always assumed ifunny is just where people post early 2010's memes.
Pearbear2 · 22-25, F
No it used to be but now it’s a cesspool of reuploaded TikTok’s unfortunately:( I mean some of them are funny but you know lol @looping
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I just looked it up. There’s some good stuff there
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Missbirdie1986 · 36-40, F
No never heard of it
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I might still have an account? But I haven't used it in years.
Pearbear2 · 22-25, F
Oof that’s what I’ve been hearing from people when they find out about mine 😂”damn I haven’t been on there since I was like idk in middle school?” Lmao@basilfawlty89
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Not only am I not there, I actively remove the iFunny logo from memes I find in the wild.

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