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Healthy relationships seems to be a thing of the past. This new era looks as though it has waged war on love. Do you still believe in love?
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M Best Comment
The Climax of Life

Thoughts That Never Happened
Dreams Never Dreamed
Life Never Lived
Feelings Never Felt
Sights Neither Seen Or Experienced
Bodies Never Touched
And hope Never Existing
Loneliness Was My Only Friend
Alienating Songs Filled My Heart And Soul
But Along You Came Like The Whisper Of Moonlight Upon The Soft Snows Of Imagination
You Led Me To Starry Paths Of Excitement And Pastures Of Beauty In The Universe
You Gave Me That Little Glimpse Of Life
That Little Glimpse Of Hope
That Little Understanding That This World Is Bigger Than What We See, But That Which We Can Feel And Experience
That Which Transcends The Spirit In All Of Us To Heights Where The Songs And Poems Of The Writers’ Minds’ And Hearts’ Are Respun In The Fabric Of Our Souls And We Have Peace.
We Have Love.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@Tastyfrzz This is soooooo beautiful, and well typed. Bravo🫰🫰🫰
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@TorMentEdPoeTess it was for my high school.sweet heart back in '79.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@Tastyfrzz Wow you really hold on to your work huh? I lost all my old poems from 14 and up until 30. Ikr

Love has never been about yourself. Love is about giving, not receiving. It's about how you can make your loved one feel happy & joyful.

When the definition of the word love changes, or your perspective of a relationship changes to, only you being the centre of it, in other words, centered around you only, and technically speaking self centered, i.e. to say being selfish; your relationship is bound to die(one day or another).

"A great relationship is about two things, appreciating the similarities and respecting the differences."

It never starts & ends on you. The more you truly love them, more you will be only see their good things and ignore their bad things.

If there is no love to bind the relationship, it's only the corresponding gains of both that can..
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
Primnproper · 56-60, F
I’m totally in love with love and an incurable romantic. Recent times unfortunately does not Instill confidence for our young people to marry. It seems to be thought of as just a piece of paper and unnecessary which is kind of sad. Some enter into it far too quickly which is often doomed ..I think values are being lost.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@Primnproper I agree 100%
Miram · 31-35, F
Healthy relationships still exist. It is just matter of both parties not excessively relying on fast gratifications, not treating people like objects, finding joy in being givers, not being excessively selfish, being realistic about their expectations and wants.

But my partner needs to stop sleeping after we had the fun 🔪 Who expects that after???

I still had a lot to say and wanted to try.

Cheesus crust!!

These days 🙄 can't do more than 48 hours thingy.

It must be because of social media, additives in foods and sim cards they are hiding in vaccines.
in10RjFox · M
Not really. We are the effect of unhealthy relationships of the past, as the relationships were enslavement. So this generation is breaking free of all the conspiracy that happened in the name of love and marriage. The new era has waged war not on love, but traditions and conventions. . The new era is intolerant to love that is faked.

There is no need to believe, once we get to know. Only those who do not know, need to believe and have faith, trust etc.

So I know love, and so I don't blindly believe in it.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@in10RjFox Very well said, but today there seems to be more hate than love between men and women.
in10RjFox · M
@TorMentEdPoeTess it's not hate, but resentment. You may talk from your experience of interfacing. But you won't know how hurt they are in their travel to arrive at today.
SilentObZerver · 22-25, M
Truth is, people who are genuinely in love, end up being hurt by others who have had a bad experience in their previous relationships and try to punish innocent lives...
Innocent ones after being hurt, tend not believe in love anymore and will wanna also punish the next for the hurt caused by the Ex, ....and it goes it cycles......
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
I'm not sure if that much has changed in the quality of relationships. A big part of many not lasting very long is that most people have learned to recognize what isn't healthy and don't put up with that anymore. But I also believe real healthy relationships are still possible.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@NerdyPotato Every word is true, I can't add anything else.
I feel like there's a widespread illusion of everything just falling into place without work or effort. And a large number of people want immediate payoff there little interest in long term approaches. And together that seems like a bad recipe for results
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@stound Well said
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I have no idea. I've never been in a serious relationship and don't know what it takes to maintain healthy relationships but something tells me there have always been abundance of those unhealthy ones too.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@CrazyMusicLover Too many unhealthy ones.
theblueman77 · 46-50, M
i do still believe in Love though it has been a while since i have loved someone i am going to change that this year, relationships can be hard but it is not good to just give up, there is someone for everyone
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@theblueman77 Exactly, don't give up. Love is not dead.
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
Definitely the truth and honestly I don't see a way back the war of the sexes rages on bby. We're all taking our own path and it's just easier to go it alone.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@Kenworth4954 Well I have enough sense to know, not everybody is at war with each other. Us people with common sense just have to find each other from amongst the char smoked chaos, that the fools are raising up. We aren't all gone!
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
@TorMentEdPoeTess that's very nice to know and we could use a whole lot more just like you.
everyone and everything has become a replaceable shelf item.

so much easier to get a new relationship than work on and repair old ones.. yes?.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout That is so true!
Rokan · 31-35, M
Mine are healthy
Rokan · 31-35, M
@TorMentEdPoeTess i do believe it has every bit to do with me for the reason this is.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@Rokan Oh, is that bad or good?
Rokan · 31-35, M
@TorMentEdPoeTess its bad foe the people who constantly have toxic relationships
Convivial · 26-30, F
Definitely... But it doesn't come along that often... So, in the meantime ..
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I definitely do but how to get it is another story
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@mindlessdrifter Exactly!
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
No I don't. I don't even believe in marriage. It's outdated.
Love has to be unconditional. Today that’s not fathomable.
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Not for ppl in this generation.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@PaleandPolluted Ikr so sad
Yes, I believe in it.
Bang5luts · M
I do and it is a losing battle. Its like a one legged cat trying to bury a turd on a frozen pond ffs
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@Bang5luts I laughed, but it's really sad.
Bang5luts · M
@TorMentEdPoeTess I agree. It is sad
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I still believe in love. It takes some effort though, which is where people these days seem to let go.
TorMentEdPoeTess · 36-40, FNew
@ViciDraco Absolutely true... No one wants to give, people just want to receive.

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