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Experience Project

Did anyone else remember the experience project? I miss it.
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I miss the friends I made there. Everyone just sort of scattered when it shut down and unfortunately I lost contact with some great people. I miss that place. Loved the craziness and the energy.
cecile · F
I miss the old EP making your own groups although I did fall foul of EP Allie a few times but it was a lot more fun
@cecile oh no, yes, there were some weird things going on on EP with the spams and stuff
Paulypeeps · 46-50, F
@cecile I loved making new groups. Some of mine have been copied here!
You must be new here.
@Spoiledbrat I am haha. I was on experience project for a year in 2015, and then it shut down. I didn't bother making a new account, I thought I spent way too much time on EP anyway, so thought it shutting down was good anyway. But here I am 6 years later, looking for EP if it had opened again yet, but instead landed here 😅
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I remember the Experience Project.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Those were the days.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
I miss it too! 😕
Areebah · 46-50, F
i miss it too.
Paulypeeps · 46-50, F
It was excellent. Don't know why they could not keep it under control. A lot of the groups on here still refer to EP where they were just copied across!
@Paulypeeps yes I just can’t find a certain someone from EP
Fluffybull · F
Yes, I remember it! Used to spend hours online! I don't know why it was shut down but read somewhere that someone had been killed after meeting up with somebody they met on EP???? 😱
SpaceJesus · 41-45
Haha It was wild
@SpaceJesus haha how was it wild? In what way :)
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@meetingmeinthepouringrain It was just out there. Way more than SW. A 24 hour party
@SpaceJesus haha I guess it was

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