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I am alone, scared, and tired. I am scared to loose everything. I am scared to mess up. I am tired of trying. Everyone around me wants me to be perfect and to do things that I can not. I have no support, just people bossing me around. Telling me what to do as if I was a puppet. Yet I care for them. All I want to do is run away. I want my life to be about the kids and I. No one else. Yet here they are, needing, wanting, asking. ordering. I want to leave, but I can't. I feel like I am in a prison. Surrounded by people who only care about themselves, yet act as if they care. All they do is criticize and use you. How can I leave? How Can I get away? I am done. I am done.
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goodlil666 · 51-55, M Best Comment
All those feelings are common in today's world with pandemics, rampant inflation, uncertain world politics, job demands etc,etc. Just don't let them overwhelm you. You are obviously making it doing what your doing, so just keep focused on that. Have faith in yourself and your ability and desire to take care of your family and yourself. Tell the naysayers if they don't have anything positive or constructive to say then keep it to themselves. If that doesn't help then start limiting contact with them and tell them why. If they truly care about you and are not some pompous , narcissistic A- hole then they will understand that. And try to find and develope relationships with positive, happy people with some common interests. Maybe find a new hobby or reignite interest in an old one. And a really big one is to find 10 min everyday, for yourself with NO distractions , no tv, no radio, NO PHONE, and close your eyes a relax and slow your body down . Teach yourself to meditate , it can really help you deal with and control those feelings of loneliness , fear,and self worth. Stand up tall look people in the eye and be proud of who you are , and what you have done and the fact that you are (T.C
B. ) taking care of business. Be greatful and appreciate all that you do have , because it could all be gone in the blink of an eye.

Just a few tips and suggestions of things that have worked for me and from someone who has battled depression , anxiety and loneliness most of my life.

Best wishes and bless you and your family.

assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Surrounded by people who only care about themselves, yet act as if they care. All they do is criticize and use you. How can I leave? How Can I get away? I am done. I am done

i feel the same. But.....we just gotta keep living it out.......that's the only way I know. Maybe add new activities to ease the pain and to keep yourself distracted..
What is your situation?
Are you a single mom?
Is there a dad or extended family anywhere in the scene?
Are social services involved?
Who is doing all this bossing?
How and why do they think they have the right to treat you this way?

What could you do to make your life about your kids and you?
How old are your kids?
And what do they think about all this?
Oster1 · M
I assure you, there is a way out!

Are you ready and prepared, to find it? 😊🌷
I am so sorry that you are in a situation like this
The only real advice I could give you is don’t give up and do your best to think positive and something good can happen to you in your life when you least expect it
Sorry you’re going though this. 😞
What or who do you want to run away from?
cycleman · 61-69, M
Flip the table on them. Get expecting them to do what you want them to do. If they don't, show them what a failure you construe them to be.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
You seem to be surviving so far
So maybe cut them out and continue what you are doing
Max41 · 26-30, M
I should put you in my arms .
I truly hope it gets better for you … don’t lose heart … keep going 🙏🏼💕

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