Did you or do you enjoy your summers completely barefoot? As a lad come the school holidays also came the time i simply stopped wearing anything on my feet and spent all summer long barefoot. Id even go on our caravaning holiday without even taking any footwear with me. Played put on the streets, walked around tiwn and went everywhere barefoot.
Now as an adult i unfortunately have to work so cannot be barefoot all summer long but i am barefoot everytime I'm not in work.
I am barefoot most of the time. I take shoes with me when i go, just in case. Even in winter, at home, im barefoot. When i worked, they were always the first things shed. I believe being barefooted gives us a better connection to the earth as well as not blocking the energy that comes from her. That may just be justification for my calloused pads...
@Carla I'm almost always barefoot here as well. I don't as much "take" shoes with me, but my flip-flops just stay in my car. I go barefoot at home, so there's really no reason to bring them in. Yes, if there's some kind of emergency, I have them to put on, but I just leave them there and go barefoot wherever I'm going. 👣
When I was in Rhodesia and it being a warm climate , whenever I could go barefoot even if I couldnt go bare I was . The only problem with being barefoot alot is your tend to get wide feet . So now I have size 12 and a half wide feet which when it comes to buying shoes can be a problem as most shoes are made for people with narrower feet who wear shoes all the time . I am often in shoe shops looking at shoes on the off chance I find a pair that fit . So I now have about 20 pairs of shoes , some I have never worn . I find a really comfy pair and will wear them till they wear out .
@Rhode57 Yeah I'm in UK and yeah sometimes too cold to be barefoot all the time but i can handle winters pretty well and happy walkkng barefoot on frost or snow just as i am in the warm sunshine
@SpaceTy That's great! My parents were more anti-barefoot, but I went barefoot anyway. We gave our kids the freedom to be barefoot as much as they wanted. There were many times when all four of us were out somewhere and all of us were barefoot.
Oddly enough, not as much as a young kid. I did some, but not everywhere all the time. Once I got to my pre-teen and teen years, I started going barefoot more and more. Once I could get out on my own, bike first, and then driving, I went barefoot everywhere.
My true barefoot summers came starting in high school when I worked as a swim instructor and lifeguard. I wore little more than a speedo all summer long so going barefoot became part of the "uniform". In the 70's going barefoot everywhere was still very common. Believe it or not, that often included a day at Six Flags! Talk about black feet by the end of the day! LOL
It has continued and I still go barefoot just about everywhere. I work (mostly) out of my home office, so I can be barefoot (and usually nude) as much as I want. I go to the store and most other businesses barefoot whenever the weather is warm. If I just can't be barefoot, it's flip-flops and for work away from the house, Vibram Five Fingers.
I had to chuckle a little about your picture. The barefoot boy wearing a MacDonnalds shirt. Many of their stores STILL have the "no bare feet" signs.....which I ignore. 👣
@SisterShadow You have to try it warm asphalt actually feels soothing in some way under bare soles. Or maybe thats just me but barefoot on grass is fantastic
When I was much younger,I was in a situation where I was next to a girl around my age at the time who was barefoot,and I tickled her feet just for fun!I know it wasnt the right thing to do,but sometimes you just have to give in to the urge,you know?
@DavidT8899 Maybe that's why it used to be said that boys should go barefoot but girls need shoes.😏 You should have been the one going barefoot and she should have been tickling your feet.
@onewithshoes Now that you mention it,I usually was barefoot and the fact that I was wearing shoes was somewhat unusual for me.Had I been barefoot,I certainly would have given her the opportunity to tickle my feet,just to show that there were no hard feelings.