I Identify As A Redneck….
I was trimming small branches off of a Rose of Sharon tree and dropped my hand pruners back between the bottom of the tree and the fence. There was some leaves and vines there so I didn’t want to stick my hand down to retrieve them thinking that a snake could be hiding under that mess. I got my rake and tried to rake the mess out but the space wasn’t wide enough. I needed those pruners so I decided to try a tube sock with a strong magnet inside and dangle it down to the pruners. Went & got the sock and magnet and sure enough it worked quickly. Still need to get that mess out from behind the tree though. Then I got a window screen on the sun room window that I couldn’t fit back into the window. It has some type of side springs on one side that bulge out and I can’t figure out how to flatten them both to get the screen in. Got my roll of Alien Tape and cut two small chunks and attached the screen on one side to the window frame after sliding the other side into the slot…then used Duck tape to seal the tiny gap at the top to keep another Yellow Jacket from getting inside. Gorilla Tape, Duck Tape, Magnet In A Tube Sock, Yep I’m a Redneck. I also keep Krazy Glue and Wire Coat Hangers handy for repairs.