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i don’t wanna be Mexican anymore

I js dont like being mexican i hate it. I’m very white washed like I’m no Sabo and I’m light skinned with thinner lips. I js look white and act like It. All my friends r very Mexican and they all joke about it I always joke with them and try to act like it doesn’t hurt but it does hurt me. I don’t feel like i belong with them I just I don’t feel like I’m Mexican.
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Beguiling · 22-25, F
Sounds more like you hate how you are treated and I get it, it sucks when you're perceived as less than simply for either how you look or if you have hard time or just can't speak Spanish.

As a kid I remember I didn't feel like I belonged to either side.

Hopefully you'll come to see that what they say says more about them than you and you don't need to look a certain way or to reject a part of yourself because people are making you uncomfortable about if.

Also don't feel bad about yourself and hopefully one day you'll feel better and have friends that don't make you uncomfortable to point you hate a part of your background
@Beguiling very well said
I have a Mexican friend who had a similar struggle and even faced so much racism from the Chinese when she first moved to Canada; her faith in God helped her and today she leads a happy life so I hope you can find something to believe in depending on your beliefs to keep you strong
cerealguy · 26-30, M
Teasing always hurts. Just know they do it because they are likely jealous

And you should know that there is no grace or honor in being white. People are just people. You're a Mexican girl and you deserve to feel honored in your whole self, no matter the features.

Perhaps try to make some new friends
No matter what anyone else says about you, always be proud of your heritage. It's a very big part of you. So embrace it
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Its the people your around, not who you are.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
You don't like being picked on and your brain think it doesn't happen to white people. So you wanna see yourself as white. But it does happen to white people, to anyone really. I've been bullied my whole childhood and I'm Caucasian, Scandinavian, white.

It's also racist to claim you don't feel Mexican. Because it indicates you have a set image of how Mexicans are.

And it's all stemmed from your own self hate/ low self esteem
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
There was a discussion on radio last year about a young teen, I think, of black racial origin, saying she identifies as white because culturally she is and has nothing to do with black culture. You reminded me of that.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@PhilDeep What exactly is "identifies as white" ?
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
@Queendragonfly Beats me. Her interviewer seemed equally confused.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@PhilDeep It's just for insecure people who are racist and biased towards their own ethnic group.

They think being white is some type of salvation from having suffers.

Its as if I should claim I'm identifying as black because of my traumatic experiences from white people. And that would indicate I have a stereotype set about black people, which is so racist.
Just be yourself. Personally, I don’t get along with my own people. I was raised up around black people, and I like their culture more. I don’t have to be what my skin color tells me to be. I’m just myself and acting who I’m not doesn’t serve me.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@SW-User I don’t have to be what my skin color tells me to be

It's racist to stereotype people after skin colours. You think all black people are one and the same in behaviour? They aren't. They are individuals.
Yes join us whiteys! Go Murka!!
If you like european culture, then I welcome you to induldge in that. If you like Mexican culture, you can also induldge in that at the same time. You don't have to pick.

Besides, every white boys weakness is a latina
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Lol shut up.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@HannibalMontanimal When this is the first SW post you see "I feel white" lol
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SamInAZ · 41-45, M

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