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Normal to feel more mad after an apology?

Is it normal for me to get more mad atter my partner apologizes? Not long ago, my family was having a meeting because my grandmother is really sick. I saw my partner look at his phone and it just made me mad because he is always on his phone and ignoring a situation! Well, i went off to cool down and when he found me we talked for a little. After everything i said, all he said was sorry. Idk, it didnt feel like enough...he does it a lot, all he says is "im sorry" and expects the argument to just stop.

NOTE: my partner and i have been together for 4 years and he does this often. He claims he "doesn't know what else to say" no matter how many times I ask him. I just want to know if I'm over reacting and he's being honest, or if it's justifiable for me to be a little snippy still. Thank you guys for the help <3
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Queendragonfly · 31-35, F Best Comment
If his apologize comes off as him trying to escape his responsibilities then it's not strange that you're still upset after.

But I don't recommend being mad arguing as a communication. Cool down in the way you do. And then speak to him calmly the day after or so. And let him explain his side. Don't auto assume he's rude.

It's for example possible that he feels very strange to be in such a meeting with your family and the phone is an escape from the awkwardness which makes him able to at least stay in the room.

Ontheroad · M
Just saying sorry can be enough... if the person corrects the behavior. If they don't correct the behavior, then no, you aren't overreacting.

If this is a pattern with him (saying sorry but not correcting the behavior), then you need to consider whether or not you are with the right person.
BobaTea · 18-21, F
It’s understandable that you would feel upset and frustrated when your partner is on their phone during a family meeting, especially when it is about something as important as your grandmother being sick. It's likely that you felt hurt and disregarded that he wasn't prioritizing the meeting, which is why the apology may not have felt like enough. You're allowed to feel your feelings and to express your frustrations about the situation to your partner. However, it’s important to remember that everyone handles apologies and confrontation differently. It's possible that he didn't know how to express himself more fully and felt that the apology was all he knew to d
YoMomma ·
If he's more into his phone than he is to you than you should probably break up .. save yourself more grief.. his saying he's sorry is just his way of dismissing you which is why you just get more mad.. it's insincere and he's going to keep on doing it.
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
We can tell when a sorry is genuinely for us or not most of the time
sree251 · 41-45, M
Dump him. He isn't what you want to be the father of your children.

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