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How am I supposed to deal with emotional neglectful parents????

They don't know what emotions are. They are so f*cking weird in a bad way.
First of all they don't even like talking to me, I see their faces when we are having a conversation and it looks like they hate me. They always give low effort responses, ALWAYS.
Whenever I try to talk about my mental health they just ignore me. They don't care if I'm sad, angry, anxious or crying on the floor. They never say ANYTHING to comfort me.
I am not diagnosed with anything (I never had access to mental health support), but I guess I have something like depression and anxiety. I literally want to kill myself, it's not just suicidal ideation, I have spent months researching about suicide methods and now I feel like I could graduate from med school 🥰. I have a plan, I just need time alone to do it. I have also practiced self harm as a way to comfort myself but I don't want people to notice those obvious scars.
They say I'm overdramatic, they say I don't have anything to complain about, but god I do have a f*cking lot of things. I just want someone that understands me, someone to replace that mother and father figure that I never had. I try to talk and empathize with them but I just can't. It's too much effort. They just want me to be like my older sister, a f*cking 19 y/o who acts like a kid and does everything her parents say. They want me to join their stupid fantasy world where everything they say is right. They all act like kids and I can't keep going like this. I just want to kill myself and I'm f*cking going to 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
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LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
For the record, I just had one of the worst xmas holidays I can remember and it was mostly 'cause of my mother...

Unless you want to still be dealing with this 💩 when you're 55 (guess who I'm talking about 😅) try to get some "emotional" distance from them and their ways (I know it's easier said than done) and maybe see a therapist.
Depending on where you are, there could be government provided (free) services that can help.

Parents don't always know what they're doing and some of them don't care to figure it out; they cause damage without ever realizing it and those scars can run deep.
Life is a beautiful thing though... and you deserve to live it with a smile on your face.

I wish you well 🤗
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
In my professional opinion, you need to find a way to communicate with them, but in two-way mode. Not just them. Not just you.
Parent yourself. They can’t do it, so you get the chance to become really strong and not need them.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User I have learned alot in my years being in prison 2 times but the only constant was my mum and dad and sadly I lost my dad to cancer they know more that you can ever think of
Adstar · 56-60, M
Do your best to find new friends.. Sadly sometimes you cannot fix people.. Your parents might well be psychopathic lacking empathy being unemotional.. In any case there are some things we cannot fix and we need to accept the reality and then put our efforts and energy into people that have empathy and do express emotions with others in a healthy and positive way...

Finding loving people is a wonderful thing.. In this world where more and more people are becoming self centered narcissists it is becoming harder to find such gems..

PS: i will also caution you to make efforts to know yourself because it is highly likely that you have been adversely affected by being born into such an environment.. You may have problems that will adversely affect your relationships with ""Normal people"" It can be very hard to respond in the normal way with normal people if you have lived in a twisted family environment and so you have had no practice at being normal.. You may need counseling..
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
my parents weren't that emotional either and i turned out alright. why is everyone looking at me like that? 🤔
Carazaa · F
So sorry you are feeling so sad. Please tell a school counselor or someone at the school that you are feeling suicidal and dial or text 988 (a suicide and crisis line)
666Maggotz · F
Tbh my best coping mechanism was just to tune out the world. Try weed and video games until you become an adult. Life gets better when you are able to cut anyone you want out of your life.
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Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Think about what you have said they don’t know what emotions are get a fucking grip think it’s your attitude I bet you think that they do nothing for you only your clothes food home and what ever you do wrong they will be there
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666Maggotz · F
@Stereoguy I’m a high school drop out and even I know that’s horrible advice.
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