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I only believe in you
Grateful4you · M
@TurtleEclipseOfTheHeart * Bows* As you honor me, I honor you. In the Universe is the hand. The hand is one. It "was" and always shall be. I love your energy hon.
TurtleEclipseOfTheHeart · 22-25, F
@Grateful4you awwwe, thank you king 🥺🥺
Alison · 18-21, F
Fuck no
Grateful4you · M
@Alison Well, that WAS succinct. lol
Yes. I believe in a 2nd chance to meet our loved ones who left us.
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Grateful4you · M
@Redstar A valid point and one held by many scientists I can't disagree.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@Grateful4you i was with my grandmother when she passed
In Hospice..
She had shown deceased on all heart monitors could see very shallow breathing for at least 10 mins
Yet...she Stopped talking to me orr she couldnt hear or see us
My g4andmother was speaking
But to other family members who had passed years prior
She was both happy and surprised to see them
Yet...there was No one else in the room
I was Glad she was Happy and Excited
In Hospice..
She had shown deceased on all heart monitors could see very shallow breathing for at least 10 mins
Yet...she Stopped talking to me orr she couldnt hear or see us
My g4andmother was speaking
But to other family members who had passed years prior
She was both happy and surprised to see them
Yet...there was No one else in the room
I was Glad she was Happy and Excited
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
As a Todler i was Rushed to the Hospital
Given CPR in route...
Though i was too i needed an extended stay
To cope with recovery from Viral Encephalitis
Over a decade later
In Crazy and looking back Dangerous 2 am boat sking/ truck tubing
I got lost under the tube and nearly drowned
Though in reality had a near death experience
Having had risennabove my body..
Saw my body remain drowned as i rose past the clouds
Fininally saw this light tunel of clouds
This all seemed Quite familiar
( from my Encephalitis as a 15 month old todler )
I was met by a women...( a grand mother or aunt )
Told wasnt my time
I needed to go back to face it ( face what i wish i could of
Bang...instantly being draggged by my friends boat and again actively drowning
When..a female voice ( same as seconnds before ) told me
Dont fight it...You will be "ok"
So as i Stopped Struggling..
I Instantly Popped up to the top of the surface
Out from under the truck tube and finally i could grasp air
As my friends then pulled me from the water
The tow rope was bound around and into my wrists
So tightly..they were bloodly
In slowl6 undoing the tow wrists were deeply gashed
My friend said he should take me to hospital
I declined...Saying i was Told i will be Ok
I was helped to my house 2 blocks away
8-10 hours friends stopped by to check up on me
In waking me...i said..i feel fine
My friend reached for my hands
Turning them over and looking upon my wrists
Where are the cuts...what happened to them he asked
I said..i Told you..8 was Told it would be ok
And i was just fine
As a Todler i was Rushed to the Hospital
Given CPR in route...
Though i was too i needed an extended stay
To cope with recovery from Viral Encephalitis
Over a decade later
In Crazy and looking back Dangerous 2 am boat sking/ truck tubing
I got lost under the tube and nearly drowned
Though in reality had a near death experience
Having had risennabove my body..
Saw my body remain drowned as i rose past the clouds
Fininally saw this light tunel of clouds
This all seemed Quite familiar
( from my Encephalitis as a 15 month old todler )
I was met by a women...( a grand mother or aunt )
Told wasnt my time
I needed to go back to face it ( face what i wish i could of
Bang...instantly being draggged by my friends boat and again actively drowning
When..a female voice ( same as seconnds before ) told me
Dont fight it...You will be "ok"
So as i Stopped Struggling..
I Instantly Popped up to the top of the surface
Out from under the truck tube and finally i could grasp air
As my friends then pulled me from the water
The tow rope was bound around and into my wrists
So tightly..they were bloodly
In slowl6 undoing the tow wrists were deeply gashed
My friend said he should take me to hospital
I declined...Saying i was Told i will be Ok
I was helped to my house 2 blocks away
8-10 hours friends stopped by to check up on me
In waking me...i said..i feel fine
My friend reached for my hands
Turning them over and looking upon my wrists
Where are the cuts...what happened to them he asked
I said..i Told you..8 was Told it would be ok
And i was just fine
Rilyn · 31-35, F
We got not enough proof about the mystery encapsulating both life and death. It's still a wonder esp to me considering recent events.
Lilymoon · F
Yes I think we enter a different energy field ... not sure if that's "heaven" as we all know it tho. But who really knows?
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Lilymoon · F
@Darksideinthenight2 Yeah I dunno,,,, but I'd certainly like to believe it. 🤷♀️
Grateful4you · M
@Lilymoon I agree and while probably dumb, I call it the "Energy Source Field" (Our home)
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
No I don't. I'm not saying I can't be proven wrong. I still remain open to the possibility.
Littlewing · 36-40, F
I believe our soul lives on in a realm devoid of time and space
Grateful4you · M
@Littlewing Another plane of existence? I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss that idea.
HeidiA · 41-45, F
Yes I do believe we don’t end when we die. I don’t believe in a heaven or hell, just next.
sirenofthesea · F
Science will never support it and it shouldn’t have to run through reason. Science refuses anything but the objective [without emotion] and by nature our experiences with this are deeply subjective and emotional. I have dreamt at least 12 of my old past lives so I very very much believe in it. I’ve also had a lot of mystical experiences so believe deeply in these things.
Ynotisay · M
Science? Are you sure about that? If you're talking about the the potential for resuscitation hours after a heart stops beating that's one thing. If you're talking about the supernatural I'm pretty confident in saying "science" isn't on board.
Grateful4you · M
@Ynotisay No. Not sure at all. I was probably being a bit too cavalier by stating "science" I was basically referring to neuroscientist doing a scan of a "dying" brain and noted a significant surge of gamma waves in the "memory" point of the brain. While not evidence it does help to support the universal idea of a "life review" so many cultures have believed in. In the past several years, neuroscience has not claimed evidence but they certainly are "on board" Thanks for a great comment sir.
Ynotisay · M
@Grateful4you I believe what neuroscientists have found is that a dying brain exhibits similar brain waves to dreaming. And then it stops. Not sure if that's in the realm of how people view 'life after death.'
bookerdana · M
I do but with most its an intuitive belief ,later backed by explanations
Grateful4you · M
@bookerdana Thanks Chris, I'm noting this to watch when offline from SW. I've never seen this guy before. Sounds good so far.
bookerdana · M
@Grateful4you Hit where it says YOUTube ,sign in put on a playlist>>done🔥 Hes pretty Gresham Colleges wiki stuff
Grateful4you · M
@bookerdana DONE. Thanks again.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Nah, everything we know ourselves to be is based on our brain and people change when their brain is disrupted by injury or disease. It'd be amazing if there actually was scientific evidence for our consciousness existing apart from our brain
silentwriter180 · 51-55, F
I'm a bit on the edge.. There are times I do, and times I don't. It really depends on just how low or high my heart is feeling and where my thought process is. It's hard to describe in full.
Grateful4you · M
@silentwriter180 Many of us feel the same way. Sort of a "Meaning of life" question to ponder.
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
I believe in the possibility of it. I also believe in the possibility of nothing afterwards. Either kinda works for me
Grateful4you · M
@SarahAndSamantha If there is "Nothing" at least we won't be disappointed lol.
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
@Grateful4you very true
Allelse · 36-40, M
No and I really hope there isn't any, unless I get the afterlife I want, fuck it and I certainly don't want of that reincarnation crap either.
helenS · 36-40, F
Question can be answered if you explain what "life after death" means.
Does it mean your personal identity will be retained?
Does it mean your personal identity will be retained?
Grateful4you · M
@helenS "Death" as in clinical brain death. As for the rest, haven't a clue. I lean toward a "somewhat" retained personality.
Lonelyandyb · 36-40, M
Yes. I am looking forward to haunting and torturing people that I know after I die. Especially the ones who disliked or disrespected me in life
circleK · F
I do. There's a rational explanation involving the nature of the cosmos. I think the next generation will love it.
Grateful4you · M
@mrh1972 I totally agree sir.
@Grateful4you been watching a lot of clips about near death experiences on YouTube check them out
meggie · F
No theres too many things that would make it impossible
Grateful4you · M
@meggie "Impossible" for me is a false belief. Perhaps improbable (?)
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
I do Indeed
Had2Near Death experiences.
Saw in my granf mothers passing...
Her calling out and seeing passed on family members
( as she herself registered as deseased..while still slowly taking breaths her last 10 mins or so )
Plus a couple other reasons far as i am concerned
I have already seen the Proof of after life
Had2Near Death experiences.
Saw in my granf mothers passing...
Her calling out and seeing passed on family members
( as she herself registered as deseased..while still slowly taking breaths her last 10 mins or so )
Plus a couple other reasons far as i am concerned
I have already seen the Proof of after life
helenS · 36-40, F
@TheDisciplinarian Those 2 near-death experiences – were they drug-induced, please? Thank you – really interested in the subject.
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
Food for thought.
Food for thought.
Grateful4you · M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Thank you.
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Redstar · 36-40, M
@nightjourney Yeah, because we remember them. It's the same reason we can have dreams of people who are still alive.
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Unlearn · 41-45, M
Beliefs are for rookies...I know it's real.
Grateful4you · M
@Allelse Good point. I'm a dreamer but like to think I prefer to be grounded in facts.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I'm still waiting for Houdini to come back like he promised.
I go back in forth ..
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I do. But I don't claim to know for a fact.
I have my religion, but I suppose by position you could label me an agnostic theist.
I have my religion, but I suppose by position you could label me an agnostic theist.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
We're not that special. We're probably the cells in some guys nut sac.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@SkeetSkeet I wonder who's living in my sac mmhhmm 🙂
Grateful4you · M
@SkeetSkeet Or some Martian kids science project.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I think we are the aliens who are beamed down and back to live on earth.
Grateful4you · M
@Justenjoyit Starseeds? Sounds looney tunes but how else to explain the quantum jump from grunting cro-magnum primitive "man" to sophisticated Egyptian, Aztec, Mayan, builders, artists, astronomers, etc.? Just sayin'
caesar7 · 61-69, M
I want to believe it. But I will only know this question when I die.
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