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I used to spend hours on this site pretending to be a girl, until I realized I was supposed to be one

So, throughout my twenties, I had several different accounts where I took on a female persona, including a few on this site. Now, I was a guy in real life. Everyone knew me as a guy, and I thought of myself as a guy. But I had this strange hobby of pretending to be a girl on the internet. I didn't think too deeply about it. I just knew that I liked being perceived as female, for some reason. I don't know why I didn't introspect more deeply on that reason. Maybe I was afraid of what I would uncover? I had always felt sympathetic (empathetic?) toward trans people, but for me, I thought that being trans would ruin my life. So I downplayed it, just considered it a weird thing that I liked to do to unwind at the end of the day. And that was fine for a while, until something inside me demanded honesty from myself.

Late last year, I realized that I was aging into the body of an older man, and I found it very unsettling. I thought about my online girl accounts over the years, about how I felt when people perceived me as a girl. I started thinking about my future and my past. I had a heart-to-heart conversation with my then-girlfriend (now-wife!), and she encouraged me to explore my gender. So I did. I've grown out my hair, learned makeup and skincare, and even found some clothes that make me look okay. Sometimes I looked awkward; other times, I'd look in the mirror and I'd see a girl looking back at me, and I loved that. I went to our local Pride event dressed as a woman, and I felt comfortable and at peace. With each step forward that I took on this gender journey, I came closer to confronting the realization that I was supposed to be a girl.

This whole time, I was supposed to be a girl. Subconsciously, I think I knew. When people online perceived me as a girl, I think that was nourishing for my subconscious. But my conscious, day-to-day self was not ready to accept that, for whatever reason.

I've spoken to a therapist about this for most of the year. I spoke to a doctor just last week, and after our consultation she prescribed me HRT (estrogen). I'm finally going to get to be a girl. And, hey, I'm realistic. I know that it'll take time. I know that I'll never be a cis woman. I know that I'll never have some of the experiences that women who were raised as girls have. And I know that some people will look at me funny or refuse to believe that I'm female. But... that's okay, because I'm grateful to live in a time and a place where this is possible for me. And I'm glad that I finally realized the truth about myself. I'll finally get to live as myself not just on the internet, but in the real world too.

Thank you for reading 💜
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XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
I feel this so much! As a young child I always found myself dressing in different types of clothing, sometimes in bright, sparkly dresses and sometimes wanting to be in a suit and tie. Around 2 years ago I started to dress alternative and, in a goth/punk rock kinda style so I've been mainly wearing baggy clothes and whatnot which has kind of helped with how I feel about my body (my chest and how skinny I am). Lately I've really wanted to cut my hair short and get it all fluffy but my parents won't even let me cut it to my shoulders.. Anyways I've always have this feeling like I wasn't born in the right body or just something was missing from my life, well long story short I'm a therian (have been for about 1.5 yrs) and I feel like I might be trans (ftm) but I am utterly terrified to even bring it up to my parents (I'm also bisexual so that doesn't lighten the blow AT ALL 😭)
I appreciate this post, thank you. I'm glad you have talked with someone and have made the decision with advice and guidance.

I might be a rare person on here (there are others) that recognizes, and respects, we are not all born with physical features that match our inner and outer social/sexual (I call social) nature.

Thank you for sharing.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@SW-User Thanks for your reply! I appreciate that you believe me when I talk about how my inner self doesn't match my outer self. I'm hopeful that they will match in the future.
@Dicey I think that is for you to find out, and how. You are making steps, and I do forget how hard it is for some, so take this of me as encouragement. 🤗
One of the most honest and wholesome posts I've read on here. This is not an easy thing to share and makes me understand Trans people a bit better. Good luck on your journey.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Wallflow3r Thanks! It warms my heart to know that I'm being honest when, for a long time, it felt like I was being dishonest. I appreciate your reply.
@Dicey No problem💕
It takes courage to share something like this, or even explore your truth. Your acceptance of yourself as well as the limitations you will have is humbling.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@SW-User Thanks for your reply. It was scary because I was worried that what I would uncover would ruin my life. Now, I think things are going to be okay and I have a lot of hope for the future.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
I love this post! Good luck! 🤗
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Scribbles Thanks! I wrote this six months ago, and my life is so different for the better now 😊
Jessmari · 41-45
It seems you have had a long time to consider this. I get the need to be percieved a certain even if you didn't understand it at the time. I know the feeling of what if things were different. Good luck with your journey.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Jessmari Thanks! It's really consumed my thoughts for most of this year, and it's been helpful to talk about it in therapy and with other people. It sounds like you've experienced some similar feelings, and I hope you are at peace with yourself.
Jessmari · 41-45
@Dicey Definately visit these thoughts a lot. I think I'm in a good place right now. Thanks and the same to you as well.
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PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Congratulations on finding your true self. Transition will take time. How does your wife feel about having a woman as a spouse instead of a man?
Ontheroad · M
Wow! Just wow! I wish only the best for you in your journey and applaud and recognize what it took to write this post. I admire you so much... such bravery is not often seen.

Oh, and your wife - she is a 100% keeper!
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Ontheroad Thank you so much!

And you're absolutely right. I'm very lucky to have her!
No harm in experimenting but remember your inner character. Exterior is always going to change. It's how we are from inside matters.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife Thanks. You're absolutely right that inner character matters most. I'll strive to be a good person.
@Dicey 🙂
Panamared · 70-79, M
You must have been made on a monday, that is when most mistakes are made on the assembly line, so glad you finally found you and have a wife that encouraged you, find happiness
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
Congratulations on your transfer and being honest with yourself and people on here.
dale74 · M
Just because you cut it off will never make you a female You will never know what it's like to have a menstrual cycle. You will never know what it feels like to give child birth.
Panamared · 70-79, M
For give me for what i just said, i called you a mistake, that may have come across cruel, when i tried to be funny, my bad
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Panamared No offense taken!
Panamared · 70-79, M
@Dicey thank you
Jessmari · 41-45
Apparently, I liked this post a long time ago and now feel bad about being a smart ass on the other one 🥺
@Dicey just be careful. people are mean and I get super protective because my best friend my whole life was trans, and she took her own life over 20 years ago. I just want people to be okay. And I get scared, sometimes.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@JustGoneNow I'm sorry that that happened to your best friend and how that must have affected you 🙁 I hope you've been able to find some peace with it
@Dicey I did find some healing by posting about it. It was way emotional for me, so I did it in sections but this links to all of them if you’d like to read.

ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Thank you for writing this. It was moving!
Torsten · 36-40, M
and your wife is cool with that?
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Torsten It's been challenging for our relationship. But we love each other, and we're making it work.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Dicey you got a good wife there
Dicey · 31-35, F
@Torsten I'm very lucky to have her
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Very brave of you to explain yourself 😊😊
bluegrasslover · 41-45, M
I love your story❤💋
Let me know which ones are yours so i can unblock em (i need space) 😅 gahh
Dicey · 31-35, F
@SStarfish I checked earlier, but I think they've all been deleted, so they're probably not on your block list anymore. Sorry!
Ok 😅 cheers 🙂@Dicey
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Becareful. Sometimes things can feel like a fix for a certain feeling when its not. Feelings are a funny thing and getting caught in the excitement of doing something that we never knew was possible is intoxicating.
Dicey · 31-35, F
@REMsleep Thanks. I think you're right that that's worth consideration, and I'll think on it.
Light and love. Be safe and be well.

… I’m gonna leave this alone lol
DreamJelly · 22-25, M
I love your courage to show yourself as you want to be. I bet both genders flirt with you knowing you are a feminine male.
@fakable I just googled it and found some asian female costumes 🤣
google is weird
@fakable that's true 🤣
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Wow. That puts your other post into perspective. I wish you the best in whatever you do.
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Dicey · 31-35, F
@swirlie Interesting idea! There's no way to know for certain, I suppose, but I will think on it.
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