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If you could tell your younger self one thing

What would it be?


I think I’d tell myself you will be ok, diabetics can eat chocolate and monsters don’t hide under the bed, they lurk on the internet
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I lost pretty much my whole 20s to illness and didn't expect to make it to 30, let alone be happy and thriving. So I guess I would tell her to keep making plans and don't go so crazy lol. Things will work out eventually. Also would tell her to go to Mayo clinic sooner before the malpractice happened lol
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@SwampFlower sounds like excellent advice
Ducky · 31-35, F
If I could go back to myself as a teenager, I’d tell myself to pursue a relationship with another student in high school. That I won’t regret it and the only thing I will regret if I don’t is waiting 15 years or so to do it.
“How you feel isn’t normal. See a doctor about it asap. No one is supposed to feel tired and weak all the time, especially; especially kids.”


“Those people don’t represent everyone. Your anger is valid, but holding onto it isn’t okay. Let it go. Bitterness will ruin your life.”
@rosyhills It turned out that I had fibroids in my uterus, causing me to bleed so much more than normal or healthy. I was severely nutrient deficient in several areas because of it no matter what I ate.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
@Colonelmustardseed oh wow. Thank you for sharing. Glad you are doing okay.
@rosyhills I hope you’re able to get some answers and will be okay. 🧡
BeJeweled · F
I'd tell myself to ignore the path I went down and concentrate on the better one.
Pfuzylogic · M
The Navy will treat you the best in this life!
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
Don't worry, they're lying. You won't go blind.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
buy microsoft stock in 1990. billions now
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Don't sweat it...you and me got a time machine!
plasticpants02 · 61-69, M
save money, retire early.
I'm diabetic and most certainly eat chocolate!

I think I'd tell myself to forget the military pension and get out and use your skills on the economy. No one ever stays in the miltary to get rich. And based on my post military achievements I could be far better off now financially if I had left.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
In your 30's you will still being attending colleges.
Go a different route and go to trade school. Maybe take up dental hygiene and be done in 2-3 years, and not 8 nearly 9
I would say, "You will have a full head of hair throughout your adult life, don't worry" 👀
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@FishBotDimwit time to get the WD40 out
@SophSmiles That's what I use to fap with. I put the D in WD40 😏
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@FishBotDimwit you’re a bad fish
Gibbon · 70-79, M
After your 1st divorce do not even consider the Tele Companions phone service. Cut the phone line it will save you 14 years of misery.
Coldplay · 61-69, M
I would tell myself, “DON’T DO IT”
Michelle2be · 26-30
To be patient
squishylemon · 26-30, F
Ask for more 😌
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