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What is one thing you always judge people do?

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Ashly · 26-30, F
When they don’t put their shopping carts where they’re supposed to 🙄
Ashly · 26-30, F
@NativePortlander1970 thank you for doing your part sir, it literally takes like a few seconds to do this simple task and yet some people still don’t do it 😒
@Ashly Lazy pukes make me sick
Ashly · 26-30, F
@NativePortlander1970 same here lol
Bluebirdsonmyshoulder · 46-50, F
If you are in a professional environment, then you should dress professionally. I will judge someone for not doing that
Raaii · 22-25, F
@Bluebirdsonmyshoulder Except that I do not allow ties or any other tight fitting garments, like a turtle neck, touch the front of my nexk due to having a tracheostomy two months before I turned three years old.
Dabelletree909 · 26-30
1.not understand simply missing the bus .

2.ask to talk to me or vent their struggles to me but when its my turn they dont even listen nor give advice.

3.people not living in their truth


5.people that always assume things and bash you before doing research or asking questions .
Have meltdowns over other peoples behaviours.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Write badly composed questions...?
When they’re mean, especially for no reason. 🤨
Punching and choking me.
It was normal for sixty years and my family really did shun me permanently because I ratted to cops on Sept 10. Really.
It's about time I started life on my own.
Blondily · F
Freaking out too easily
Being mean to their kids
Being cruel to animals
Loud talkers
People looking at their phone when visiting
Iwillwait · M
2 faced
Homophobia and misogyny.
people who never ever shut up, not even for 5 seconds. LOL
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Any kind of like, lording themselves over others in less fortunate situations or just where you have some kind of power relationship. I will judge the fuck out of that.

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