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What are some good things going on in your life?

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Kuronekko · 41-45, F
I became friends with my ex therapist. We both found ourselves going through breakups within weeks of each other. We live less than a mile from each other so get to hang out doing all sorts of things to keep busy. I feel lucky and grateful to have someone like her in my life.
being · 36-40, F
@Kuronekko sounds good
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I still love and trust her, and even though she refuses to believe it and it is totally one sided, it's still a good feeling that I control and no one can take away.
Got my back waxed for 50% off. 👍
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I'm house sitting for my brother this week. I get to spend time with his dog Ziggy.
wackidywack · 26-30
I have a job I like, doesn't pay enough but I like it. I'll be looking for the next when I feel like it's finally valid for me to
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
being with an INTP. I am at my best.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Still breathing!
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
My wife just finished her bout with cancer. All of her screens and blood work are clean. One of our rental properties is going to closing the first of the month so we will have money again. 😊
Raaii · 22-25, F
Nothing good that I can think of sorry'
being · 36-40, F
Things are Very-Extremely-Slowly-Yet-Indeed-Seems-Like-It-Happening, clearing out

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