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With all that we know about the human mind, and all the empathy and understanding we're capable of...

Why do we still joke about obesity?

Ten years ago I weighed 300lbs and lost half of it. I was destroyed emotionally and never taught how to take care of myself. My parents self destructed in their 60's. Even though I'm in good shape now and make consistently good choices, there's a big girl inside me that only feels empathy. It was really hard to overcome the cycle of overeating because I was sad then being sad because I overate.

I guess I just don't think it's funny. People are people and everyone is struggling with something.
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Miram · 31-35, F
I think it is fine to joke about obesity, as long as it is not done to emphasize that it is parameter of acceptance, or rejection. And it is not done towards who expressed a discomfort about it.

You're probably refering to shaming, rather than playfulness.

I don't even see obesity as always a problem. There are healthy obese people. It is about fat distribution more than its existence or weight and "looks". And as a woman, sooner or later weight challenges are bound to happen.

It is bit bizarre how obesity is overemphasized much more than stress when it comes to health concerns.
It's very disheartening to see a decline in empathy and a rise in cruelty in our world.
We seem to be losing sight of our shared humanity and forgetting that we're all in this together.
I like your last line, it resonates with such compassion and realistic perspective🤗
@Yourwildestdreams I can't deal with it sometimes.
@MarbleMarvel Completely understandable 🤗

Being over weight makes you a target for derision. Yet in reality, it is often a symptom of mental health issues or addictive type behaviour as much as with drugs, alcohol or gambling. If food is your drug of choice, you still have to eat to live yet it is treated far differently by society.
Reject · 26-30, M
I think if there’s any degree of perceived choice. Any at all. People lack empathy for that. Congratulations on overcoming so much though. Losing weight is one of the hardest things someone can do.
@Reject You're right, I do understand that it is a choice but also that there's a lot psychologically tied to making poor choices for relief. Which I think we all do in some ways, so there's really nothing to taunt.

And thank you. It was hard work, I did it all through healthy eating, eating less and lots of activity. It has stuck with me. Even though I still struggle sometimes, I know what is best for my body and choose health every day.
its a constant struggle for me because I really love food, and mostly the wrong kinds. i am in great shape now, but, i have to work out regularly because I know if I slip, i can go back to the way it was.
@YourMomsSecretCrush exactly. It's not something everyone can just live with unconsciously. Making the choice to be healthy with not only biological but environmental push to consume is very difficult.
@MarbleMarvel damn food just tastes so good. LOL but, I'll do 5-7 miles a day to be able to eat the pizza and cheeseburgers. its a trade off.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@MarbleMarvel 🤔credit where credit is due to have had the courage too do something about this . just fighting the craving too eat rubbish may be your big issue and a test of your self will
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@smiler2012 true that
I had been overweight much of my life. In best shape of my life now, but i still have work to do. I don't make jokes
calicuz · 56-60, M
I think it comes from being conditioned to not care about those that are perceived as weak.
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
Some people just don't grow out of their middle school phase

It just shows the hate in their heart.
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