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Have you ever been to a high school reunion?

I got invited to a 10 year reunion back in 2017, and being that high school was terrible for me from a social standpoint, I was like "Nah bro, I'm good" 😂.
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dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I went to three of mine 20, 25 & 50 and two of my late wife's, 20 & 25. I wouldn't describe myself as a social nerd in high school -- I was very active in extra-curricular activities, went to Boys State, picked for the Yearbook's Hall of Fame -- but definitely not a part of the inner clique, who were all children of the civic leaders in town and had been hanging together since kindergarden. (I had transferred in during my freshman year.) The 20th was memorable. Rather than being held in the small town we had gone to high school in, they held it in the neighboring city. My wife, who had gone to a neighboring high school, was closer to the inner clique than I because she had gone to elementary school with a couple and was more of an extrovert, so we got invited to the reunion "after party" in a motel. We all got a little drunk and loud; cops were called. What was interesting was how the group, used to being scions of the community, were fish out of water dealing with the situation. And suddenly, the outcast in high school, because I worked in crisis communication, was thrust into negotiating with the cops and got us off with a warning to keep the noise down rather than breaking up the gathering. My 25th was disappointing. The ones I looked forward to seeing were mostly dead or unable to attend and I decided that would be my last. I only went to the 50th in a rare vanity desire to show off my new Corvette. Never got a chance to be seen arriving or leaving, and there was essentially no one left I associated with . Have not been back, and was told the 65th -- 3 years ago -- would be the last.

Both of my wife's were memorable. One was a cruise to nowhere: roundtrip out of Long Beach to Catalina, Ensenada, and San Diego. The other was in town, at the palatial home of one of the class, with terraced yards down to the river, that no one thought he could afford on his job and suspected he was connected to the Mafia. We were not allowed in the house, only on the terraces. There were even port-a-potties set up on the terraces to keep people out of the house. Yet her reunion was not the big story in town. George Lucas' was attending his reunion (her younger brother's class) and caused a big stir arriving in a chauffeured limousine. Having been the nerd in his class, he had a little fit of vanity that topped my Corvette -- and he got noticed.
exexec · 70-79, C
Most of them. My wife was one year behind me, so we know most of the people in each other's class. We enjoy the reunions, but they are 800 miles away, and I don't think we will make another one.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
We have been to several over the years. We are still close friends to several we went to HS with.
Thrust · 56-60, M
I probably make every other one. I enjoy them. I am fortunate that the majority of my memories from HS are good.

At the last one though, I found out the first two girls I kissed had both died ☹
meggie · F
No. Ive been invited, as I moved far away, I can't return for that.
Went to my 10 yr .. haven't been back since including the 40th a couple yrs back
Trekker · 51-55, M
I went to three high schools, dropping out. Moved a few thousand miles away, got married, went to wife's highschool reunion. I just teased everyone, telling them I was the quarterback. It mostly worked. Nobody knew anyone.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I went to one. I think it was the 10 year one. I remember that all the pot smokers from highschool were still pot smokers, but were talking about suicide, and all the non pot smokers where doctors and lawyers.
That girl I fantasized about didn't turn out anything like I expected, I barely recognized her.. Yeesh..
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Yes my first wifes. I wouldn't go to any of my own if you paid me. Reason is only important to me.
newgirl · 56-60, F
No, I couldn't wait to get out of high school, no interest in going backward.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
did not but got invited. I wasnt' really close to very many of them.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
No. Not interested in revisiting that part of my life.
I've been to a few.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No. I've been invited to several over the decades, but never gone.
YoMomma ·
My dad went to his
CarlaMommy · 41-45
I went, had fun! Sure there were people there I never liked. But the opportunity to rub things in their faces was not something I wanted to pass up.
I haven't and even if I was, no thanks.
Not a official reunion, Just the guys met for drinks.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
A few. They were a mixed bag. Enjoyable, though.
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Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
No my school couldn’t be bothered I guess
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@Moneyonmymind It can be really difficult to find some people if they are not active on social media or have some mention of schools they went to.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@JamesBugman yes but idk if they even tried
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
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