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I think women need to know this.

The world has influenced women so much, that they are going to great extents to change their looks.
Matt8536-40, M
Yes. Many dress to be appealing to men. It's kind of the opposite to The East.
I don't mean to hurt them, they are all very special and the future of the world etc but I've noticed cases where it filters down to their daughters and some of them are very young.馃槵
Riemann31-35, M
@calicuz Nope, even in Muslim countries.
calicuz56-60, M

Wait, I lost track. What is in our Muslim countries?
Riemann31-35, M
@calicuz What I wrote in the main post. It's everywhere.
Pinkstarburst51-55, F
Oh my God!!! HOW did we not know this?!?!?! 馃槓
Riemann31-35, M
@Pinkstarburst I hope.
Pinkstarburst51-55, F
@Riemann So tell me, how will YOU go about this??? I mean really, your sex is the biggest reason why women are marketed this way. How will YOU convince all women they are beautiful??? How will YOU change eons of expectations? Do you honestly believe your one sentence post is going to magically repair the insecurities that have drilled into young girls and women their entire life? One sentence is going to *POOF!* make them change how they see themselves? Give me a break!
Riemann31-35, M
@Pinkstarburst It's a mess. If men were the biggest reason for this marketing, then there probably would not be such a big portion of single men now.
The reason is media brainwash mostly, which has negatively affected both women and men.
I don't need to convince anyone, it's just the truth. Humans are the beautiful by nature.
I hope that this one post helps at least one person. Remember the power of one.
That's so groundbreaking oh my god !!!!! 馃槺馃槺馃槺
@CountScrofula you don't know o oh !!! YOU DONT KNOW YOURE BEAUTIFUL O OHHHH
Riemann31-35, M
@wackidywack I hope you take action to make the positive change. Bye.
calicuz56-60, M
Yes, the over sexualization of Western World women has taken it's toll.
Riemann31-35, M
@calicuz That definitley has happened. However, I am talking about women of every country, as they are using make up and surgery to change their looks. The effort to reach a so called perfect look is there and it is so messed up.
CountScrofula41-45, M
They've had that one figured out for a lonnngggg time.
yeah i'm sure all the women here really needed you of all people to tell them that. what a considerate and insightful person you are!
Riemann31-35, M
@looping I just wanted to let them know what I realised, that's all. Take care.
Im going to be the blunt one to explain something to you i think you may not have considered before you wrote this.

Coz although you mean well, im not sure you are aware of how your comment was interpeted by many of us.

Its not the world that has influenced us.....its the historically misogynistic culture crushing of us into being no more than a bought and sold commodity based upon our looks and our child bearing ability over thousands of years......and the lack of evolution of this concept , that women are now flipping the tables and deciding to use this weakness as power .
....to some great impossible lengths
And some degree of cost and sacrafice - but it gets them what they want.

Now, if this male enforced archaic idea had evolved into a 21st centruy sense of equality - many women wouldn't have had the need to turn this shallow evaluation of our gender into a weapon .....but it didnt .

It still pervades everything : from our value at birth, to our value as we age. From what we are told we should wear, to the devaluation of our appearance, (or punishment), if we don't conform.

We have struggled, fought, petitioned, gone to court, banded to together in solidarity, proved during wars we can do what men do .....and even rebelled and been imprisioned and killed ....for expecting to be treated as equal human beings, not chattel.

We are highly aware of it.
We are ingrained from the age of about 5, just what our value is......even if no one directly tells us - we see it....... EVERYWHERE:

Advertising, clothing, jobs, opportunities, dating sites, chat sites, in education, in society, in medicine, and even in law in some countries...
...when our well meaning loving daddy tells us how pretty we are.

And at some point most women, (not all - as some in eastern countries dont get this choice out of fear of death or pain), ...reach a point where we decide how we are going to deal with this stupid social stigmatism.

-Some of us push against it and rebel.
- Some blithely aquiesce just to stop friction and make life smoother. UGH ....FUCK IT
- And some dive right in and take full advantage of it....FUCK THEM .

And heres my biggest point -
(That id really like you to understand)....

....we dont need a man explaining to us that this exists.

....we know.

We have known for millennia.

Our gender has already tried everything to fix it .....for over a century!

And we moved the milestone a fraction.

I know you meant well.
But telling us what we have grown up knowing, and endure despite what we want - is....frankly , a little insulting .

In fact its so insulting....its sadly funny.

Hence all the sarcastic jokes and comments.

The irony is .....you just mansplained馃槒

To us its such old news .... Generationally old , we can't even be bothered to be angry about it any more 馃し

So we laugh .

If we didn't laugh about it...... we'd cry.

I hope you understand this better now馃
[image deleted]
Jenny123451-55, F
Agree and not in a positive way.
I'm ugly and proud
Riemann31-35, M
@SW-User No, you are not.
Riemann31-35, M
@caccoon Time to take action.
Riemann31-35, M
@SkeetSkeet It's our duty to overcome ridiculous perfectionism.
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Riemann31-35, M
AndysAttic56-60, M
@Riemann Take care.
@Riemann thanks.馃 Like what ?

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