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Enough to make a grown man cry.

Yeah, today I cried some more. I'm not ashamed to admit it.
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Even Jesus wept when he got word that Lazarus died. That's not the only time he cried. I'm sure his tears could fill an ocean. His tears were as blood when he was in The Garden of Gethsemane before he went to die on the cross for our sins. I'm sure he weeps when even one soul is lost.
@LadyGrace Jesus cried daily... I know this for a fact.
helenS · 36-40, F
Real men feel. 🌷
@helenS hopefully under a bra 😘
helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User 😏
I think Gangstress said it best...."thats why we were given tear ducts"
No one should ever be ashamed of that. Real men cry! We weren't meant to be robots. People are supposed to support those they love and even cry with each other. God gave us tears so we could cry and get our emotions out....for healing our Spirit and that's why we always feel release and better, after we cry. Praying for you. Love you, brother. I pray God will heal your heart and replace hurt with a song and joy from the Lord.
Domking · 61-69, M
We are all subject to emotions, and at times it overflows.
It's natural to cry in emotional or other kinds of pain. No shame in that. In fact, I find it strange that I hardly ever cried in recent times, even when I lost my parents.

Best wishes
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I cry when I'm emotional. I keep trying to keep it under control much as possible. Emotions keeps getting in my way so I keep it on a leash. Control it much as possible.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace all I can say...I thank God for giving me the strength to bottle them up. At least there could be fuseful for art. I actually haven't been destructive ever since. Maybe battling my own which is it.
@FreestyleArt yes I know that I'm aware of that. I wasn't speaking of Salvation when I said that. Well there's a lot of manipulation in the world but crying doesn't mean we're being manipulated. It means we've been hurt and we need to get that hurt out. There's nothing controlling about crying. It is a natural emotion that God gave us to use when we're hurt and need to get those hurt feelings out. Don't give it more power than it has or deserves.
all I can say...I thank God for giving me the strength to bottle them up.

Brother, you couldn't have that more backwards, I'm sorry to say. God doesn't want us to bottle up our emotions. Instead, you are forcing yourself to stuff your emotions. That's the difference. The Bible says, "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." He's telling us that getting our hurt feelings out and painful feelings out are good for us. He didn't tell us to keep them in. No place in scripture tells us to stuff our feelings. I hope you will work on that because I don't want to see one of my best friends that I love, hurting.

The Bible states that any emotion (happiness, sorrow, worry) should be brought in prayer to God, as stated in Philippians 4:6-7, for bringing our concerns to God allows His peace and guidance to come to us.

Did you know brother, that Psalm 2:4 says, “God sits in the heavens and laughs.” so laughing is an emotion as well, and we don't suppress that. We are not to suppress our emotions, nor allow them to keep us from crying, when we need to. The Word of God is our guidebook. A life in which you suppress your emotions when hurt or upset, will be very painful.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
You shouldn't ; it's called being a normal human being.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@JimboSaturn thats why we were given tear ducts
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Even warriors need to have a good cry every now and then.
Ive been crying for a month. My PTSD has returned and I'm triggered regularly daily.
crying is like riding a rocking horse.
...itl give you something to do, but get you nowhere...
melbeacher · 61-69, M
I cry when I watch Finding Nemo !
TrashCat · M
I like to cry and do it often. There is nothing unmanly about shedding tears.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
There's a bluebird in my heart.
I have been there before. No shame in being human
Iwillwait · M
What are you going through that has you down?
@Iwillwait pseudobulbar disorder. I contracted that from being through torture the first two-thirds of my life. I'm on the other side of that now. I stayed strong... I've got it going on now... I still love and care for others. But find it very hard to trust anybody. Trying to find a good woman who loves from her heart. I've dumped so many fakes. I've tried to figure out is it me or is it everybody else? I'm no perfect angel but I've done a lot of studying and the results that I've found are just unbelievable.
TexChik · F
I am sorry you were upset.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Better than being in totally black, abject despair. Crying is great catharsis.

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