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Critical thinking.

Critical thinking could be mistaken with negative thinking unless we can present better alternatives to what we critic …
@Soossie Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned evaluation.

Aww!! My mistake … then I absolutely agree …. 🙏

YourMomsSecretCrush · M Best Comment
You just asked this to SWEEPS 😂. I thought you were the only sane one here.

🤣 This absolutely deserves to be the Best Comment …
@Soossie thanks for best answer. 😀. You know, some days I sign on just to feel normal. 😂

Lol … 👏👏👏
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
The ability to be self sufficient and emotionally strong - to be able to stand on your own two feet and carry on in the face of adversity regardless of what else is going on within or around you.

Exactly … it’s all about standing on your own feet strongly and confidently …

Good to see you LadyBronte .. 🌹🌹
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
@Soossie Thank you. Good to see you too!
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
The ability to get a good night's sleep.

Which reminds me of the time … 🤗
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
@Soossie Sweet dreams. 😘

Thank you gentle Ruy .. 🤗😘
Ontheroad · M
Lasting personal relationships with others. Ability to laugh a themselves and with others. Probably balanced emotions such as love, and anger... able to, without anger, defend themselves. Not overly compulsive or anxious and more that don't immediately come to mind.

Balanced emotions is the key word …
Ontheroad · M
@Soossie Agree, overall that's a good sign.
A positive attitude, not selfish, caring, seeking to do good, not quarrelsome, positive outlook on life, goal oriented. Seeks out the good in others, instead of criticizing or trying to find fault. Ambitious. Not controlling. Encourages themselves and others. Loves and helps themselves and others. Strives to do better and sets goals. Never gives up. Wants to be the best they can be. Never quits.

Well done Lady Grace … this is a wonderful answer and I agree with all the above …
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Peace and free of out of control anger. Clear thinking and able to self reflect

Definitely those …
Very similar to a healthy body:
- alert, aware, good perception, reflexes and responsivity
- strong - flexible and adaptable at need, neither too bendy nor too brittle, able to carry it's own weight and lift loads
- fit - has stamina, endurance and ability to cope with stress
- healthy immune system - open to the new and nutritious or beneficial - able to repel the toxic
- good coordination and skills - knowing why, how and when to use all these

Well put … thank you …
Knowing your limitations as well as your strengths.
Being able to keep in perspective, and laugh at yourself.

My greatest strength has always been able to deal with chaos. Calmly working through problems. And let’s face it life is full of it.

But my weakness is lack of patience. That becomes a strength when I need to get things done, help someone, find a solution. But it works against me too. I need to give people space, time to work things out.

Self awareness is an important part that help us maintain a healthy mind ..
1. A commitment to accepting reality as it is, i.e, that which is perceived via the senses, including the mind as the 6th sense.

2. Knows how to tell the difference between fact, belief, impression, opinion and fantasy. Knows it's often necessary to check or test - and how to do so.

3. Accepting 100% responsibility for one's own feelings, thoughts, words and actions: being honest about them; and being willing to promptly repair mistakes, make amends, and learn.

4. Respecting the boundaries or oneself and others, and living a healthy life.

5. Balance - allowing time for leisure, pleasure and nurturing warm relationships.


Very well listed …. 🙏🙏
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Willing to learn and grow…

I’m certain there’s much more to it all than that, but I think that’s a good start.

I don’t think I have a healthy mind… but I’m working on it (with tools listed above)

I, very much, like your answer …

A healthy mind should sustain itself by learning and through thought and character development …
Pfuzylogic · M
You have a healthy appetite!
Pfuzylogic · M
@Soossie I am certain that the Art and Sculpture that surrounds you; gave needed comfort.

They do … Also, I’m working on collages that bring me joy while listening to music… isn’t that a blessing??
Pfuzylogic · M
@Soossie That actually sounds fun!
Love, joy, happiness, kindness, compassion, helpfulness, playfulness, a sense of belonging.

Thank you my friend … a very good list you shared ….
@Soossie 🤗🤗🌹
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@PhoenixPhail the ability to feel empathy for others is really important.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Besides no mental or neurological disorders, the ability to accept that all people are different and seeing everyone as equals I think shows a very healthy mind.

It does indeed …
How the heck would I know ?? ;-)

Self-awareness of attitudes and behaviors

Ability to stay focused /maintain perspective when stressed

Ability to be happy for, instead of jealous of, others

Ability to admit fault or mistakes and learn / grow from the experience


Haha ….

It seems that you already have one … congrats … 👏👏
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
Happy , hopeful and generally content with life and situations around us

I love your answer … simple and up to the point .. thank you …
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
A decluttered one for sure @Soossie
Able to be calm in stressful circumstances
@reubles exactly

Yes… this is very important Miss … 🤗🌹
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@reubles 💀
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Taking responsibility for oneself and ones actions.

True … I agree 100%

Normal should have a definition which differs from one culture to another …
@TexChik Which is far less common these days ;-)
TexChik · F
@Stillwaiting cuz of all those crazy people! 😂
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
New one. You can think of others and not constantly self absorbed.
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Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Healthy boundaries

Indeed …. Healthy boundaries help us maintain peaceful and calm …
TheNumber34 · 46-50, M
You certainly won't find any here
Living in the real world versus social media fantasies. Emotional maturity and taking responsibility for ourself and our rreactions. Not playing the blame game.

Amen to that … very healthy attitude ..
PoeticPlay · 56-60, M
I couldn’t tell you.
How I survive is mind over matter.
If you don’t mind?
It doesn’t matter.


They all made me laugh … thank you …
PoeticPlay · 56-60, M
My pleasure.
Reject · 26-30, M
Acceptance. It’s that simple.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Soossie Yes, but obviously you can create better situations for yourself while still accepting bad ones.

I’m sorry but I can’t agree with this…
Reject · 26-30, M
@Soossie No need to apologize for being different. That’s a good thing.
I’m here to take notes. 🤓

You have taken care of yourself to stay healthy and happy … that should mean something .. ❤️
Thank you for staying. 💛
I really mean that.

Thank you beautiful … ❤️
Avoid the 7 deadly sins as much as you can. Pride and lust are my biggest challenges

Deadly sins can be controlled by self awareness, and you seem the have it ..
@Soossie I think I'm pretty good with it overall. What you see here is me on steroids. I'm a little less outrageous IRL

You’re fine … I know you know the limits with each user and that needs a healthy mind ..
Swoop62 · M
Go like you have a place to go and mean to get there.
@Swoop62 m
Hey you!! Long tiiiiiime, no see…

How are you??
Swoop62 · M
@Soossie Hello to you as well and has been 1,472 days 😁 As you know made that one up. been on here some but don't do many questions.

I am doing well here as are my daughters. and think I saw some place that you got married. Maybe I heard it in the lunchroom. Congratulations or ever what it is said to that. Keep a smile on your face and lead in your pencil.

Thought of sending a message but you have 356 security checks. 😉

Exactly, 1472 days …. Glad that you’ve been counting the days as I did ..

I’m glad to hear about you and your daughters …

And I still love your humor … 🤗🤗
Elisbch · M
OCD ..... means nice, tidy and organized! . .. and...

Schizophrenia ....

able to look at things from many different angles and perspectives to suit all your personalities needs!..🤷.. LOL 😆

Well !! I have to take your word for that one … 😂
A curious mind that learns to get unstuck from the ego and invests in self growth.

Self growth is very very important …
Lostpoet · M

I agree … to be contemplative, is very necessary for to keep a mind healthy …🤗🤗
pearllederman · 61-69, F
that it works pretty good and you make good decisions

Brava!!! Very true and thank you for mentioning “good decisions’ …🤗🌹🥰❤️
Banksy83 · 41-45, M
Zest for life

Yes to all of that … and “zest for life” is the best indication …
cuddles1266 · 70-79, M
Curiosity! The desire to know.

And therefore learning ….
cuddles1266 · 70-79, M
@Soossie Yes Indeed!! something new every day!

I get your point …
@Soossie Thank you

Thank you too ..
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Not being a poster on here

Aww!! :(
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Soossie speaking for myself of course

Nahhh!! What you said, is absolutely right .. lol 🤗🤗
The opposite of mine, probably

I don’t know about that but I’m sure that you’re exaggerating… 😉
@Soossie nah,not really
You're asking me??????😱

Lol… I’m sure that you have some idea anyway … 😂
@Soossie oh I do. Compartmentalizing the bad so it doesn"t dominate you 24/7 is very important.

That and getting laid 😎
Viper · M
You like and enjoy Viper's company 😌

(And you realize this answer was simply fun sarcasm)

You said it all .. 🤗🤗🤣
Being able to agree to disagree

This is a good one, yet, I prefer a progressive dialogue …
reubles · 41-45, M
Idk, lemme know when you find out

Lol .. I will if I find out the correct answer …
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
When it can walk and wave.


Lol … and needs no wheelchair …
GunFinger · F
Positive thoughts

Very true and very important …
Feeling optimistic

Yes, a healthy mind feels and thinks optimistically …
To be considerate

Oh absolutely …
SensualRomantic · 46-50, M
Happiness and laughs

Both are very necessary …

That’s synergy …. I don’t know how it relates to healthy mind …
🤷‍♂️ a baby. 🤔 maybe

Aww!! Baby’s mind is just like a brand new CD where nothing is written yet… 🤗
caccoon · 36-40
Curiosity for and implementation of personal growth

Yes to this … a healthy mind needs to stay healthy by personal growth … 🤗🌹
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
The question your asking is all in the answer . YOUR DOUBTING YOURSELF😊😊😊
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Soossie I can’t explain much cause I’m not you Soossie but when you ask questions about a healthy mind , in my case you I be enquiring about what’s going on with me and at some level there’s either fear or doubt comes in .
You be looking for peace all of the time Soossie and that’s an impossibility.
I’m a big believer in something bigger than me , through dark days and good days , especially good days cause when you have good days it’s a way easier to crash than having bad days cause bad days your always working on yourself .
That’s my best explanation that I can answer you Soossie

Thank you for trying to explain … however, I think that you might be asking your question about me doubting myself based on your own standards ….

I’m a work in progress, definitely … but a healthy mind tries to learn and that’s why bring up a question … I might doubt myself sometimes but definitely I know that for the most part, I have a healthy mind …

Thank you again .. 🙏
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Soossie Your right .
That’s all how I know to answer questions Soossie based on my experience. My experience was painful a lot of my life and all I know how to answer is through my own experience and it could be right for me but wrong for others .
I had a painful life , but my mind at times is very healthy , not all of the time but at times a lot of it .
they can laugh at their own mistakes and are honest.. just a few qualities, but i can be wrong because i have yet to get there.
what do you think about it? what is a healthy mind to you? @Soossie

IMHO, an absolute healthy mind doesn’t exist …. But we all try if we stay aware of what we think, or do …

Nevertheless, a relatively healthy mind does not get involved in what might bring any kind of damage (physically, or emotionally) to self … and of course to others …
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Learning, focus, reasoning, memory and ability to relax.

Doing it all ethically wound be a bonus .

Very true … Learning is what no one has mentioned and I’m glad that you reminded me of that … thank you .. 🌹🌹

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