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What has life taught you? Would you mind sharing 😊

I learned, we ALL make mistakes. It is one thing we have in common. When you make a mistake OWN IT - take accountability, learn the lesson and move on. You are not weak by apologizing. It doesn't make you "less than" another person by stating you failed because ... we all do ... Once you become proficient in this, you will have more empathy towards other's mistakes.

The only reason we are here is to learn, grow and love one another ❤️ I know, it sounds douchie, but I honestly believe that 😆
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Penny · 46-50, F
life isnt worth living without friendship but at the same time no friends is better than bad friends
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Your right we all make mistakes .
My life experiences is through the hardest times on your life are the more easier one to cope with .
The pebble in the shoe are the ones that catch you .
What I also learned about myself through the hardest times in my life is that through so much bullying and criticism that was done to me and believe me I had a lot of it , I actually thought I hated myself but through so much pain and the right understanding you become your own best friend .
I got there through 6 trips to the pysche ward in 5 years . 3 suicidal attempts and all of a sudden through all of that the Holy Spirit came into my life and I was always searching for the love of of a woman and in my eyes the most important woman of them all showed my love .
That took all my insecurities away and inferior behaviours away about a woman .
Woman are great don’t get me wrong but I had 2 nervous breakdowns from 2 separate woman in my times so I couldn’t rely on them for my happiness no more cause I went the whole 9 yards in both relationships trying get loved by those woman , both when I was drinking and both when I was sober .
I’m sober 18 years now and away from weed 18 years and what I went through in those years it would drive nearly anyone to drink but I didn’t drink stayed sober through it all .
I’m 42 and this is where I’m coming at , without God I am nothing .
I be brought back into despair if I went drinking again or smoking weed .
I can always see that bigger picture .
Some people have a problem with the word God over different circumstances what they go through in there life .
Everyone to there own but I’m telling this I don’t one bit .
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

That is amazing ❤️ Seriously. I have had a few really really really difficult times and there were no one at my side. I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown. I remember sitting in a chair, after a long day of sobbing, looking out on the sun setting and thinking -- this looks like a good day to die. I stopped crying got up and instead of doing something drastic I went outside. I heard the birds singing. I felt the breeze on my face. A peace came over me and a clarity that cannot be understood. I came to the realization that I belong. We all belong. No one can take our purpose away. .. .. I am very proud of you. Very proud 💘
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@dontbekoi thank you .
Message me anytime if your having bad days if u want .
My friend said to me about a nervous breakdown and she was right she said it was a break through .
See you have too go through pain too grow up , not saying your not grown up , but in my case I experienced a lot of life experiences that caused a lot of pain .
See when your going through pain and I’ll give u a big tip and you’ll never regret it , always do the right thing then and your awareness will grow and you’ll never again be afraid of being on your own .
You could be lonely in a crowed room full of people but people don’t tell you these kinda things and then when no one tells you , you feel your own your own and that’s where all the suicidal thoughts comes in if you don’t understand it .
It took me years of pain to understand it cause I tell u how .
It’s usually the same thought cycle trying to catch u to bring u into despair with your mind .
Then usually how it starts then is a load of self pity .
When those thoughts come in then , don’t try and change the cycle of thoughts yourself .
Leave them flow in and flow out and eventually most of the thoughts fades away . You’ll never get it perfect .
You’ll have your bad days again but you’ll be able to cope with them and when those days come in bring God into your life cause that’s the most powerful of them all , not me or anyone else cause that was the case humans would be fixed and have no sickness.
Bring God in all the time .
Message me anytime if you want and I can share my experiences if there a help to you
I used to fear being alone more than anything. Life taught me that there are so many worse things than living alone or even being alone in the world.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M

@therighttothink50 Not quite what I was thinking... but it's also true. Thanks for sharing that.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@SW-User You’re welcome Countess…
When you don't trust those around you, keep all your truths close.

be patient. Life always changes.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

Oh, yes ... I tend to be an over sharer. Get's me into trouble. My boundaries are imaginary 😆
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Life has taught me not to trust anyone straight off and be suspicious of everyone in management or romantic situations. It's so easy to get burnt and hurt. I know I've made mistakes in work and relationships and I always own my stuff-ups. I don't give trust very easily and keep my walls usually closed shut especially in adult situations as I'm better off alone and probably miss many dating opportunities because I'm too frightened to take romantic risks now.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

I admire people who have clear concise boundaries. As an adult, I am learning that. My therapist can attest to it! 🤭
Go forward. Tis a reason you left the past behind
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

This is a mistake I STILL keep on making. The pull of the past is a strong one! Thanks for reminding me 😊
@dontbekoi I've made it many times.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
I learned there is way more than we can ever learn about.
That you don't have to have some terrific life full of adventures as long as you're a good person, try your best to be kind, and have fond memories of family and friends,that's enough of a good life.
When we die our bank accounts are closed and any wealth will go to someone else.
That most of what we worry about never happens.
It is boring to talk about oneself all the time.
You will never scientifically proove philosophical questions about life.
You should listen to all fair criticism , but you're not obligated to act on it.
It is possible to disagree and walk away friends.
It doesn't matter much what other people think about you if you're doing your best to be a good person.
Assumptions are usually wrong, but not always.
Feelings are meant to alert you to something; they were never meant to be a guide on how to react.
lwshm64 · 56-60, F
That no matter how hard I try no matter how many times I try no matter which way I try doesn't matter that brick wall is always going to be in my way and it's never going to move and there is nothing absolutely nothing I can do about it
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@lwshm64 Combination of 'span of control' and 'you get what you get and you dont get upset'.
Sazzio · 36-40, M
Too much of anything is BAD for you. Too much eating leads to obesity and in equal measure, too much healthy eating leads to othorexia.

Too much honesty can also be bad.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

Moderation is key in life -- still learning that one. I can become very obsessive about things (mostly crafts and reading) Before I know it, hours have gone by and I have not spoken to one person. So true . Balance.
Be kind. Be willing to help others. Someday you may need help yourself. Give credit, where credit is due.
@VeronicaJane don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. Growth can be found there.
Canuckle · 51-55, M
Life’s journey is not linear, but full of exciting roller coasters and learning acceptance.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

This is SO true!
Tres13 · 51-55, M
There’s more than one way to skin a cat
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
@Tres13 Oh, I learned that one on the side of the highway with a flat and rusted lug nuts. I found myself a large rock and smashed it until the rust broke off and I was able to remove said tire. Trick is : stay calm and think 😉 Good one!
It's taught me of my own arrogance
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

Yeah, that can be a hard one!
Seeing things as they are - not as, how I am is another one for me.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@dontbekoi something i discovered when i first left school do not bite off more than you can true and take on something out your perameters as it comes back too bite you on the bum as i found out
dontbekoi · 36-40, F

Yeah, I learned that one the hard way 😖
Freeranger · M
Pretty simple.....that "life" has a lot more to share no matter how young or how old you are
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Do nothing you will regret, regret nothing you have done.
Sazzio · 36-40, M
Seek opportunity, GO FOR IT!
Don’t let your friends make decisions for you.
Unfortunately children are being taught to never admit mistakes and lying is just a strategy to win. The X POTUS is a notorious criminal and people give him billions of dollars. Businesses are not honest, the Police Force, not honest, etc, etc. Politicians on TV saying The Truth is not the truth.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Pitchblue Police and all armed forces are agents of government out there to enforce government agenda(s).
@zonavar68 The Police are paid to protect businesses, the rich. That's why when they kill poor Black people there are almost never any repercussions.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Pitchblue Correct - aka 'enforcing government agenda(s)' which are to protect the elite et al. This is not the time or the place to re-trigger BLM sentiments.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Duck and cover... it's headed your way.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
That's a great life lesson.

Some more:

Be who you are and don't let anyone else foist their identity or beliefs upon you. Trust your instincts.

Take care of yourself. In my estimation happiness is at least 50% determined by your general health. If you are not eating, sleeping, exercising or managing stress, you will not be happy no matter your circumstances.

All the stupid pop culture and political shit that matter to you SO MUCH right now will be entirely forgotten in 10 years and you will wonder what the big deal was.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
We're all just that bad batch that God accidentally made and he's not a big fan of the result but he has decided to let us exist with all our flaws and so we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves. After all. We will not get out of here alive.

Also. There's nothing wrong with dressing comfortable over stylish. Do you. No fucks given what anyone else want you to do be or look like.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Queendragonfly ie. we are all therefore 'old model' replicants ready for de-activation
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Don't trust anybody. If you've got dirt on someone, hang on to it, because you might need it. But don't let them know you've got it.
@LordShadowfire I trust my family and three friends. The advice about hanging on to information I thoroughly agree with.
What I learned is that all the sacrifice I have done for others my entire adult life, from 18 until now, has left me bitter, resentful, and alone. Learn to say no, learn that being selfish isn't a sin, and above all, do not compromise.
@NativePortlander1970 I felt that way when I faced divorce.
Learning to accept myself as I am, not caring any more about what others think of me. To feel good in my own skin.

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