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To be real, I think I am just unloveable and that’s okay. Like it really is.

I repel everyone eventually. I’m very rebellious and outspoken, yet quiet when people want to talk about mundane life things. I need fire and passion, deep intelligent conversations, and everyone just goes to work and complains about how boring it is to be normal. But when I’m silly and spunky, my energy hits their wall of disassociation and never budges them. So I concede that I am happy on my own. I find a bit of excitement when I need it and live an unordinary life full of adventure. That will have to fill up my soul. I don’t know what to do with my sweet heart, but to tuck it away safely. Maybe next life I will know what it feels like to be cherished 🖤
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JackJames · M
I don’t know if it’s fully true or if maybe it’s just a matter a perspective. I’ve had an ex wife and ex roommate call me heartless and cold. However, I’ve also had people call me caring and warm. Maybe people like us just become distant when we don’t feel wanted or loved, but we do it in an intense way to push people away so as not to get hurt and they look at it as we’re heartless and cold.
Viper · M
To be real, I think I am just unloveable

I repel everyone eventually.

I don’t know what to do with my sweet heart, but to tuck it away safely.
I feel the exact same with myself, though it depresses me.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@Viper It is definitely deeply depressing, but that sadness sits next to the deep joy of possibilities of what beauty we can create on our own.

Saddest part is, those of us sensitives that want similar of life, never connect either. I meet people sometimes that I know I could get along with long term, but they have some other idea in their head of what love’s supposed to look and feel like. I never have a chance. So 🤷🏼‍♀️
I don't think there's such a thing as being unlovable since people can love a variety of things in a person, sometimes things that others see as problematic, but maybe you feel that way about yourself? Like you don't love yourself?
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@SW-User Nah thing is I do love myself. I have taken that time to explore and learn myself deeply, make friends of my shadows and face my inner light. It’s the whole being drained over and over. I think my last bf killing himself really showed me how love just isn’t enough. I am there for my son and I. I love us and we have a beautiful life. But it doesn’t mean anyone will ever reciprocate or appreciate what I’ve done.
@RebelFox yeah but you're assuming you're unlovable for their actions and that's just subjetive.
Ahh I don't believe in love much either, but for other reasons.
Either way you have a very interesting deep nature. For what I've seen here
being · 36-40, F
I had that belief about myself too and there are still some pieces of it left within me. What truly helped me was an intense month of daily affirmations.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@being Yes the inner work is where it’s at!
being · 36-40, F
@RebelFox yes! and sometimes the work isn't that obvious..until it's done...! You're on your way, working on yourself. Don't be that harsh on yourself.. you'll see, you will eventually reach the seashore stronger than ever <3
The person who can truly understand you will come. Be who you are.

We shouldn’t conform to people’s expectations to be loved and accepted.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@CookieCrumbs I refuse to conform, so I can manage being a lone fox too 😆
I think there is often a disconnect between what people seem to think of themselves v. how they *actually* are; the former is often a dream, juvenile, a wish, bit not truly aspirational--perhaps best understood as what one would want others to think, if one were one's own publicist. But the latter is the stark reality. The dissonance is often huge, the gulf between the two, vast.

In a sea of *that*, being...more transparent in whom you are, more "real" & engaged in the is something which others are not able to trust easily, as it is so foreign to them.

I think people don't know how to deal with you in that sense.
I believe in making the best of it too
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@SW-User Can’t force anything and I’m done trying. It’s beautiful really 🖤
@RebelFox not saying you should force anything..but rather accept what is ..
We should talk
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@SW-User any time 🖤
Nebula · 41-45, F
I feel that.
You're cherished now, and hardly unlovable.
Does your eventually repelling everyone include some part of you?
Tracos · 51-55, M
want to go get coffee?
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
If people don't love you for who you are, they don't deserve you, right?
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
You are too young for me, I dont see a problem you are being yourself so thats a big plus.
Bang5luts · M
I do not believe that to be true. You are lovable, we all are on many different levels. Truly. And we (most of us) have worked our asses off carrying others on our backs, and deserve the best this life has to offer us!
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@Bang5luts Thank you sweetheart. That’s where I am now. I just enjoy learning who I am because I do like myself. I have been so good to people. That they aren’t good back is okay because I’m just happy that I was myself and I always do my best. So yeah, it’s definitely not a negative time 🖤 it’s beautiful honestly and my son is happier when he doesn’t have to share his mama time anyway 😆
Bang5luts · M
@RebelFox I want to give up as well, but I have felt that deep love, that deep connection with someone. It has made me who I am today. Someone who cares for others and sees my own existence as being one of connection with others around me.
Bang5luts · M
@RebelFox 🥰
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
There's someone for everyone!

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