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Happily Married Versus Happily Single

It's usually ok and universally accepted when someone says he or she is happily married. However,the same standard does not seem to apply when someone says he or she is happily single.

It's like how can you possibly be happy if you're single?Such double standards.Happiness comes from the inside.

There are unhappy singles out there but there are also unhappy married people out there as well.
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ABCDEF7 · M Best Comment
You alone yourself(your mind) can create hell for yourself. -> Unhappy Single
You alone yourself can create heaven for yourself -> Happily Single
Your spouse can create hell for you -> Unhappily Married
Your spouse can create heaven for you -> Happily Married
Repete · 70-79, M
Great list and I agree completely.@ABCDEF7

malizz · 70-79, M
I was happily single, then I fell for my wife and enjoyed 30 years of happy marriage. She then passed away, so I'm happily single again, but getting another woman would not go amiss.
bugeye · 26-30, F
as long as they're happy i don't mind either way. but yeah there's a lil bit of a stigma there. :(
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
Tomorrow is my 32nd anniversary. I have always been more of a loner. There are times when I think I would be happy single, no waiting on anyone, just moving through life as I see fit. The reality is that I need a babysitter. If something happened to my wife I would probably be married again within a year or two. My happiness isn't dependent on anyone else, I can be happy by myself, but it is easier with someone who is complementary in traits to my own. If you can't be happy by yourself, brining another person in is just going to complicate things.
Truly happily married is more rare than you might think
Repete · 70-79, M
I think you are right , it takes a lot of work andcompromises to keep a marriage happily together the same can be said for happily single but it may be easier for single with less moving parts in the relationship. @Stillwaiting
WhateverWorks · 36-40
There were times I was happily single meaning I had fun, made good memories, and focused on my goals. I didn’t feel like I was doomed. I was surely happier single than in a bad relationship. I still find this weird pressure from other women mostly that I be happily superwoman irritating though: the audacity that I acknowledge having a (healthy) partnership to co-create s life together would be less stressful/depressing than juggling all this by myself. How dare I not find the chronic stress and lack of help ‘empowering’/joyful Lol
I'm at the point in my life that I prefer to be in relationship over single
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
True, but devolution does seem to have developed humanity to mostly be in relationships. Not for everyone, but for the majority.
Repete · 70-79, M
I am ( for the most part) happily single. That doesn’t mean I’d pass up a chance sometimes to have company ( not talking sexual) have a quiet evening. But I’d much rather be alone than with the wrong person. That’s just my opinion.
Yes back in my day we would not ever even stare at another human being, let alone talk to one, and we loved it!!
I am basically happy in a now mostly sexless 25 year relationship. He is 25 years younger and it works out fine. We have more in common than the majority of straight couples. I mostly pay the bills, Kevin does most of the cooking and running errands and being generally supportive.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I never really been single long enough to know what it is like. I am happy being married
Wiseacre · F
I think it’s easier to be single than married...for me, anyway!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
We are social creatures. To be happy and solitary is rare.
bartender · 36-40, M
I agree.. Happily single
Ferric67 · M
You speak the truth
Dino11 · M
Amen to that.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Well most people crave some companionship so thats why people assume that those who state that they are happily single might just prefer to be single because they don't want to be hurt or some reason like that. Alot of ppl say that they are happily single because they have had bad circumstances before.
Repete · 70-79, M
That is true but that doesn’t change their opinion of being happy the way they are instead of going through it again. And yes that is me to a certain extent.@REMsleep
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Repete Thats a philosophical question. Are you happiest alone or merely happy? If you actually crave companionship but weight the risk of vs reward and decide to be content due to risk factors.
Repete · 70-79, M
That is the same thing as every other thing we decide through out our lives but with age comes experience and maybe a different decision. Personally I am very happy alone without the responsibilities I have had most of my life . Free to do what I really want to do instead of doing the things I have to being a single parent was a fantastic feeling , taking care of my parents was great and being a husband was fantastic times in my life but it also left me with the responsibility for someone else now I only have one responsibility that for me. My daughter is grown and don’t rely on me as much I am happy being single but can always use friends. @REMsleep
Rambler · 61-69, M
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Do what works for you. I'm always amazed at how interested people are in others' lives.
Very true. Personally, I was happy when I was married because of who I was married to. I’d much rather remain alone than be unhappily coupled.

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