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Do you need a lot of alone time?

I can only manage the ability to be in the company of a unique individual. Someone who vibes on the same frequency and truly understands me. I guess that's why I better connect with those online. Well some people, that is. Otherwise, leave me alone & let me be happy...

therighttothink50 · 56-60, M Best Comment
Solitude is my solace, it makes me whole,
By myself in my room where the lack of noise eases my mind,
The calm, the peace within me, helps me unwind,

The comfort of being alone radiates my soul,
Not a place for distractions or feeling lonely and blind,
My breathing so calm, my inner conscience no longer connected to time,

Drifting thoughts and painful memories, no longer taking their toll,
The peace within no longer difficult to find,
The soothing silence creating the perfect rhyme,

My heart feeling the warmth, no longer cold,
Left alone on a desolate beach, watching the ocean waves unwind,
The gift of solitude is ever so kind, so divinely sublime.
@therighttothink50 Well, I do find it in nature... completely.
For the most part, I do by myself. I'm just complicated all together. It's an innate trait (along with other traits) that I'm better understanding each passing month, it seems.😉
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@ML2022 Tree hugger :P
@therighttothink50 Make the an antifeminist conservative tree hugger, Mr. I know where you're headed with that one.🤣

MellyMel22 · F
I like my space too. Always have.
MellyMel22 · F
@ML2022 Oh yes 🤣🤭
Peaches · F
@MellyMel22 Me too!⭐
SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M
@ML2022 @MellyMel22 I agree!👍
JerseyGal · 51-55, F
I have always needed space, my time to reflect and be alone. Even when I was a child. I often feel my energy drained, and that exhausts me mentally and physically. "My time" is for recharging. I like being in nature, sometimes listening to music, other times the birds. I also enjoy taking the time to sit and read. That relaxes me too. I do not like being around crowds; much more at ease on my own.
@JerseyGal I've been the same way since childhood. I was always wise before my age so to speak, and never really felt at ease unless I was alone with my music and/or in nature. Later in life, I finaally realized that ache in my chest and belly was actually anxiety. 😩

I tried to be the life of the party at one point, as it was seemingly expected of me because I can be extremely funny, but I was miserable. I kinda pushed most people away and I'm much happier with nil to none in my life.😌🤭
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
Yeah, I need lots of recharging time or I really feel it. I had to be unusually social with multiple people yesterday, for example, and I was exhausted.
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
@ML2022 no, I'm exactly the same. I crave the togetherness but I can't handle it when it happens 😆
@Starsandfire OMG..
I'm not so weird after all.🤭😌
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
If you are, we are both weird 😂 @ML2022
Mergirl123 · 26-30, F
I love it if im not pregnant but im pregnant and the emotions taking a toll on me as i am alone its terrible but hey such is
Mergirl123 · 26-30, F
@ML2022 thank you
@Mergirl123 Oopsy. I should have looked at your profile first. My apologies since you aren't new. No offense was taken, I hope.🤗

This update has opened my eyes to people I've never seen in my 4 year history here. Literally.😳 But I'm grateful because I've met some interesting peeps.😊
Mergirl123 · 26-30, F
@ML2022 no problem... i have used EP b3for3 this didnt quite join sw when they change it eas so differ3nt and ppl were nore friendly on ep tbh... but oh well
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Yes..i need a lot of alone time. Having said that, if Im alone for too long I get depressed.
@ButterRobot Yeah, I've become very reclusive. I don't just stay inside though, as I enjoy nature a lot. It's my refuge. Especially the cosmos...the moon has always been my favorite companion.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
@ML2022 My favourite place is a lake in the bush.
@ButterRobot I love water. The river is MY place.💙
Yes, and it's usually in direct proportion to how much time I've been spending around others. However, I am not so good at discerning who it affects, as I have been known to "go quiet" on even those closest to me.
The cosmos has you impaired alright.


I don't have any fault at all, it's just the way my stars are aligned. 😁😇

And sacrifice is a beautiful thing. 💕

Just as long as you're not the person being sacrificed. 😂
I'm glad you're using it as your teacher like such. Whatever motivates you to better yourself and reach for those ⭐'s

Do remember that conversation was about the cat and dog study. Which one was more likely to eat the dead owners corpse first.😱
@ML2022 I do remember that! Cats... 😳 Smh 😂
Rambler · M
Someone who understands that being silent together can be just as close as any conversation with words.
Yes.. A lot..
But I'm complicated too.

I crave certain companies..
Wished I didn't.
@SW-User I think you know by now that I absolutely get what you're feeling...ALL of your complications and contradictions are seemingly my own. Bless you, poor child.💝🥺🌷
Yes, This is totally me as well.
@ML2022 Yeah. I don't think it's that uncommon though. For instance, look how many replied to this post. 🙃
@SW-User I know. I actually feel more normal now. YET I don't wanna be normal at all. It's the battle of my enigmatic madness.🤭🙄
@ML2022 Haha. Understood.
Niloo · 46-50, F
The more difficult or busy my day has been, the more I need alone time .
It might sounds strange but that was the silver lining about getting Covid .
I was left alone for a long time with nothing much to do 😊
Niloo · 46-50, F
No worries !
Thanks to my teenager I don’t even keep 🍷in the house .🙄
@Niloo Ah oh....
....sounds like you have a wild child on your hands.😜

Bless your heart 🤗💝
Niloo · 46-50, F
Thank you 🤗💞
I do like time away from everythng
@Ozymandiaz Yes, even everything needs a break from everything.😳🤭
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
Yes. Witnesses complicate things 😬😬
@TrunkZ Wow. You have been undercover, so to speak. That's one thing I love about the update... finding new and interesting people.😁
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
@ML2022 It definitely is a fun place with characters of all types
characters of all types

Yeah, you got that right.😳
masterofyou · 70-79, M
My 2 minute Answer

I just need to crash
I have nothing left
I feel close to death
So hard to breathe
Im down on my knees
I once had my needs
Just finish me please..

@masterofyou This makes me sad. 😢
I know your life is far from easy and the older you both get, the more detrimental/overwhelming things get. I'm sure your body is weary and worn out, especially your soul. Feel all your feelings, but PLEASE reach out if you're in a rough spot.🥀🖤
masterofyou · 70-79, M

I'm okay i hope you are
Just need a recharge.

Just let me rest i will
do my best to get through
this just a little depressed.

The pandemic is the worst
In a long dark tunnel Just
pour life elixir to me with
very large funnel.
@masterofyou You'll be in my thoughts & prayers💕......

I hope you're under a Dr's care.🌹
antonioioio · 70-79, M
One thing for certain
I would never venture where I was not wanted 🙂
antonioioio · 70-79, M
@ML2022 That's sweet of you to say that 😉
@antonioioio If you notice something good in someone, you should always let them know about it.😊
antonioioio · 70-79, M
@ML2022 I whole Hartley agree with you 😊
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I like my space, yes. I don’t think I need to be necessarily alone, so much as that I need quiet time with low stimuli or ‘recharge time’ where nobody requires my attention
@WhateverWorks I totally understand that feeling of needing to recharge. It often takes me days to recover from "peopling" 🤭
I do, but I can't say happiness is directly proportional to it as that animation suggests
@BeefySenpie Do you mean alone time doesn't necessarily bring happiness all the time, just sometimes? Enlighten me on what you mean, Mr Beefy. I'm really analytical regarding human behavior.😉
@ML2022 I do mean exactly that, excellent interpretation 😛
@BeefySenpie I just wanted to pry some more words out of you. You're such a man of few.🤭😌
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I like being alone but spending time with certain people makes me a better person. The longer I'm just on my own the more I indulge in my bad habits.
@CrazyMusicLover I understand both statements clearly. I can be in the presence of one particular person that bring me complete calm without even saying much at all. Even while we're just connected to the internet.

I work a stressful job and a lot of alone time stabilizes me.
@SW-User Good for you blocking that specific person. I've started doing the same thing myself. It's monotonous to be so selfish and childish. Silent treatments are especially disheartening, even online. I've known that hell too well unfortunately. Months of it, and also my presence completely ignored for days. Poor you. No thanks is ever needed when I offer support, but you're welcome.😉
@SW-User Sorry if my cheerful ending seemed too forward by that reaction. I'm just being friendly. The silent treatment stuff happened in a LDR just in case you were wondering why I allowed it to go on for so long. 😬
@ML2022 It's alright, I totally get it :) :)
ReneeT · 61-69, M
I guess I am 50/50. I love to be alone to accomplish things I want to do, but I love the company of others to bounce off ideas and just communicate
@ReneeT Very understandable. It must be pleasant to have that happy medium in life. I'm a bit jelly of those who are less complicated than I.🌷😉
I feel the same too, although too much of my own company can take me to dark places.
@AwakeningConfession221122 Been there myself. I have some darker type poetry from a couple years back when I went a bit apathetic. Yikes, it was awful.🖤🥀
@ML2022 I feel like I’m heading that way 😢
@AwakeningConfession221122 Please reach out for help before you do. Do you have anyone? It's such a slippery slope and one that's hard to pry your way out of. It's a scary place.🥺
Lacemaker · 41-45, F
No, I'll have enough time alone when my kids have all flown the nest.
I'd say I get a good balance right now.
@Lacemaker Most definitely enjoy those kiddos all you can for now. You're blessed to have them.💝🥺
Lacemaker · 41-45, F
@ML2022 I'm very blessed to have them, yes. They're old enough now to be good friends and they are, also with each other.
Same. Alone time is very important, but some people count as alone time. (And not because they are ignoring me.)
but some people count as alone time.

I totally relate to this because someone I know goes stoic just like me and we bring each other out of it easy peasy without saying too much of anything at all, and typically we say too much.😊
Right now, I think this deserves a simple reply, me too. 🌷
@thewindupbirdchronicles Never would've guessed... 😉
@ML2022 hush, hush. 🤭
summersong · F
I am completely miserable (to myself and others) when I don’t get enough alone time.
@summersong Samesies 😳💙
Peaches · F
YES...and Mr.C played hooky from work today. 😏
@Peaches We've both mentioned being the free spirit loner girls in a post of mine and yours. Happy little misfits, we are.😌

Am I missing an inside joke regarding Mr C? Who the heck is Mr C?😏🤣
Peaches · F
@ML2022 He's my boyfriend. 💞
@Peaches Then you weren't so alone then, eh.😏🔥
I agree 👍
Hmm 🤔. Sure why not as long as you have Dijon mustard . I’m a bit of a condiment snob 😌. Lol @ML2022
@SW-User Gotta deal with some honey added or else.👀
What no Grey poupon 😯
Guess I’ll manage 😌
Besides honey is always my main go to sweetener and maple syrup of course ,I’m Canadian 😛
Yes I love alone time.
@mondayschild2 People exhaust me, literally. I tried being the life of the party once upon a time and I was miserable.
@ML2022 They make me nervous.
@mondayschild2 Yeah, they make me nervous too. Not communication wise, just too much of too much going on around me. I dread going out, yet crave it. I'm a weirdo...😱
just stick with it . it will get better i promise you[youtube=]
@markansas Thanks for sharing. It's complicated to put into words, but I'm actually okay with it. That was the intent of my post ... I'd rather be alone. People, for the most part, exhaust me.🤭 My alone time is precious and priceless.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Yes, I need to disconnect and recoup my energy
@Starcrossed Please accept my apology for not seeing your comment sooner. My notifications suck at times. Happy to see another person that resonates with this need. It helps to know we're never alone.
Yes I feel smothered if I don't get my alone time
@SlippingAway It's a necessity, and I think a healthy one at times, as we should all learn to like our own company. I just can't "people" all the time.😬
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
I’m always alone
@Jeffrey53 Do you prefer to be alone, or is due to not having anyone?
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
@ML2022 my fiancé past away 10 years ago. That’s why I’m alone My family thinks I’m white trash because I work for a certain company
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Need more than I’m allowed, thats for sure
@ML2022 You have people who try to make you feel bad about it. Fuck those people. In the face.
@SW-User I TOTALLY relate. I'm far from bad in times of silence/aloneness right now. It's an act of self love and preservation. I seek my true blessing in life and that's nature because I'm never really alone when I'm there.

Stay strong with that middle finger, and don't ever return to people who hurt you more than help you.😉
@ML2022 Whoa sounds like a lot - it's difficult to explain these things to other people without sometimes getting dizzy from just remembering yourself even when you are the one who was there. But I get the gist, I think.

I had this feeling of being alone or 'separate' that came from moving a lot so I resigned myself to loneliness or being apart from everyone else or something. Then I discovered certain hobbies that required solitude - namely art - and so made a certain peace with it without really realising. Later in life but still young I embraced it as best I could, but it's still desired that we have companionship at least some of the time. Someone to see us for who we are.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
I've always been a loner I guess
@GerOttman Yes. Me too...
A misfit of sorts😉
Noble · 56-60, M
Hits home!

Love ❤️
@Noble 😌♥️

I think you missed a question on my last post, dearest Noble. Just sayin'...😏
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I miss my alone time
@WaryWitchWandering You don't get enough it, I suppose?😕
Very much so
@SW-User Nice to come across another like minded invidual. There's more of us than I realized.😉😌
Fluffybull · F
Yes, I'm an introvert. 👍🙂
[image deleted]
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Sims 🤗🤗
@TurtlePink ♥️🤗
Hoodski · 36-40, M
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@therighttothink50 I really enjoyed listening to this. It's been a long time since & just like poetry, music is a gift to this girl.😊
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@ML2022 So what do you think of Alan Ritchson & Would You Do Him
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I love to have alone time but I have children so I don’t get too much of it
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@ML2022 it’s different when they are your own. I don’t like other peoples kids 🤣. I am sorry you didn’t get to have your own family. Believe there are times when both kids are throwing up everywhere and on everyone that I think WHY 🤣🤣🤣.
@iamonfire696 Ugh. I don't want all that drama... 😭 So I'm growing more comfortable that I didn't/don't. 🤣
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@ML2022 those are not the fun times for sure 🤣
DDonde · 31-35, M
@DDonde do you get enough of it?
DDonde · 31-35, M
@ML2022 Sometimes.
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
I like to say I enjoy solitude, but not loneliness. Almost all social interaction is costly for me, even the good interactions. I find that the only way for me to really recharge is to borderline isolate myself. There is a balance in-between there but it is hard to find, and being like this does complicate some things.
@PirateMonkeyCabinet THIS is so me, it's uncanny. It's hard explaining it & difficult finding that balance to. I have to isolate and push my mind into stoic mode a lot, for this reason and for times my mind won't shut down (it doesn't otherwise) I'm an extremely complicated person all together; on all levels. It's tiresome. My empathy goes to you.💙

Reach out if you need to, but if you're anything like me, your inbox probably makes you nervous. I hate that I have to let my friends down, but my circle is really small and they understand me by now.
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@ML2022 I absolutely get that, and likewise, my empathy goes to you.

I am glad you have a circle of people around you (be it physical connections or just people here) that understand, respect and accept that this is how things are for you and how you need to deal with it. Far from everyone does. It's great when someone is understanding when you go silent for a longer time. Even if it's been a while they know that you haven't forgotten them, and you know they haven't forgotten you.

I don't know what challenges you face in your life, but I imagine the need for that alone time has been like a multiplier on top of that. I'm sure there are many things I could have picked as examples from my own situation, but when you say you have a really small circle it resonated with me. Don't know if your "motivations" (for lack of a better word) are the same, but just the complication of having to be extremely picky about who I surround myself with leading to that small circle. Not for lack of wanting to have more people in my life, but because there isn't enough social energy to go around.

Hopefully you've found some who not only are understanding, but who know you well enough to often help pull you out if or when you go too far into that isolation mode. That alone can make such a difference.

Very much appreciate the offer and extend the same one to you. 😊
I need some. All part of a well balanced life
@SW-User Balance is definitely 🗝️🔐

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