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Is anyone else over this pandemic? Seriously, i have no regard whatsoever for this flu with a 99.96% survival rate. You still huddling at home scared?

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Keepitsimple · 51-55, F Best Comment
I’m mentally over it. We’ve done what we can do and things aren’t getting any better :(

Harriet03 · 41-45, F
I wonder if the families of the 145,000 dead feel the same way?! 🤔
Genieinabottle · 51-55, M
@Keepitsimple i was exposed to the covid virus - worrked side by side with someone - no masks - she came up positive, nothing happened to me. I read somewhere that it is harder to transmit from one person to another than the flu, so thats good.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@Genieinabottle I don’t know what the answer is but I’m willing to wear the mask if it would save somebody’s life by chance. I just don’t want to be locked down anymore. My state really needs to get back to work now.
Genieinabottle · 51-55, M
@Keepitsimple the economy with take years to recover. Businesses that used to provide jobs will never come back, never reopen, its a planned political attack to drive more people into governemnt servitude on welfare.
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
I'm over people trying to shame others for their level of concern. What are you, seven?
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
@Genieinabottle you seem happy enough to get stressed over this. I don't see the difference..its just a different obsession.
Genieinabottle · 51-55, M
@KuroNeko my stress is that we are destroying this country economically and hurting this adminstration over people like you.
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
@Genieinabottle its your funeral lol.
revenant · F
Easy to see that numbers are going up and down according politics. And boy do they want that second wave so badly.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Genieinabottle FYI "survival rates" are not based on the number of people who haven't been infected "yet", they ARE based on the number infected and the number who have died. ISR (Infection Survival Rate) and IMR (Infection Mortality Rate) Currently sit at 96% Recovered and 4% mortality. Until everyone around the world is tested, your "Survival rate" numbers are meaningless and misleading. Those ISR and IMR numbers vary according to age group and location too...
Genieinabottle · 51-55, M
The US survival rate is considerably higher than the rest of the world - even England and Canada (so much for socialized medical systems) @spjennifer
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Genieinabottle Things change very rapidly and 146,000 dead is nothing to crow about, sadly with the US's infection numbers growing by about 80,000 a day those numbers will rise very soon as the mortality rate currently sits at about 3.5% there. Mortality rates have little to do with "Socialized medicine" or not, they have more to do with which age segment of the population is infected and how quickly they are isolated from the rest...
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
where did you get that statistic from ?
CestManan · 46-50, F
@revenant Plus they keep changing the age group "most affected".
revenant · F
@CestManan they keep changing the rules and info all the time
CestManan · 46-50, F
@revenant Not only that but everything that happens otherwise, they say, "experts are worried about how this will affect the spread of covid".

I keep hearing, "Starting on such and such date, some place/company will require masks". My thought is, "ARE there any places left that do NOT already require it?"

I remember in the 80's when they acted exactly this way over AIDS. And sadly, they tried to drag out the fear for years.
MrMonnyPenny · 22-25, M
Personally I am over it, but I’m aware there are people who aren’t, and I’ll keep my distance from them
I’m so over thinking or hearing about it.
dommagic · M
Well at least you’re being mature in your response
[image/video deleted]
You can thank the Floyd Riots for the upswing in cases. The George Floyd Riots happened on May 26th -10-14 days later - well you do the MATHS

Source: CDC
spjennifer · 61-69, T
So what happens when it mutates, and it will, those rates are based on 8 months of statistics which is but a moment in time statistically speaking.
CestManan · 46-50, F
Eight months into this crap, people just don't care.
The media is chomping at the bit trying to keep fear alive.
No one gives a dump anymore, it is too inconvenient to go through the motions.
goldenorchid · 46-50, F
There's a much worse pandemic sweeping the planet, it's called stupidity and it spread by people that use hope as their only tactic.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@goldenorchid what are they hoping for exactly?
goldenorchid · 46-50, F
@CestManan that is all fake or it'll go away on its own, the reality scares them.

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