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Covid-19 hoax or actual???!

Poll - Total Votes: 22
Covid hoax
Covid actual
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Many people have stated were being played. The statistics are not correct...people protest no Covid cases etc.
People go to clubs or other social gathering and many Covid-19 cases occur!

In the early 1900s there was a pandemic people wore mask and social distance follow regulations and it had got resolved SO this current situation mirrors that one.

WHAT do you believe??
It's not a question - the reality is that many people are falling very ill or unfortunately losing their lives to Covid 19.

We can debate whether we're accurately recording the infection rate or deaths, whether we're exhibiting best practice to mitigate the risk of transmission, or even whether it's being weaponised by the political elite.

But the fact that it exists and is having a fundemental impact on so many lives is undeniable.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
During the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919, a lot of Americans had the same reactions that Americans are now having to COVID-19 — they whined about having to wear face masks, about everything having to close down and so on. In the current case, much of the problem is lack of competent leadership from the federal government has allowed the virus to run rampant through the population.

Ultimately, about 675,000 Americans died in the three waves of the pandemic, to a significant degree because so many Americans refused to take it seriously. And this was at a time when the population of the United States was only 103 million people.

I have not seen any actual evidence to suggest that the statistic reported concerning COVID-19 are not reasonably accurate, just conspiracy theories from RWNJs. It is more likely that deaths related to COVID-19 are being under reported because an unknown number of people are dying not with the primary symptoms of the disease, but sudden strokes and other reasons not necessarily ascribed to COVID-19.

I imagine that we won't know the extent of the damage from this disease until after the pandemic ends — assuming that it ever ends.
Magenta · F
Oh it's real, but way over dramatized, plus I think the numbers are skewed and faulty.
Magenta · F
@SW-User If you don't like it, you don't have to stalk my replies ya know.
🤦‍♂️ Hardly stalking . I just follow today’s posts that friends make ... , @Magenta
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revenant · F
It is real but blown out of proportion for political ends.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
I respect people's right to believe what they want to believe but I would say to anyone that truly believes it's a hoax....whether it's the moon landing or 9/11 or Kennedy or Sandy Hook.....who's behind the "hoax"? To what end? The Chinese? The Russians? The makers of masks and bandannas? What's the end game? It's destroying the world economy (not just the US)...we Americans may be horrible people but we love to spend money - don't think our tourist dollars are not missed! It's destroying lives as I just have a hard time with the concept of a bunch of guys (white guys I'm sure) getting in a room saying "ok boys-I got plan...we're gonna make up this disease...." Just my opinion.
Since I know people who‘ve had it (and one who barely survived), I know it’s not a hoax. The numbers of deaths are underreported, because it exacerbates existing health problems. I don’t know who benefits from telling people it isn’t real with so many dying.
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard I am glad that your acquaintance survived. Over 200,000 have not. It didn’t need to be this bad. 🤗
Carver · 31-35, F
Both. Yes, it’s real, but I truly believe the numbers are being inflated.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Carver Oh interesting I read many countries or even America are underreporting...guess it's difficult to know that aspect
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Coralmist America is severely over reporting the numbers simply because there is financial incentive to do so. The more cases reported the more money the area gets.
@hippyjoe1955 I'd be interested to see what the evidence there is which supports the idea that Doctors have been misclassifying patients for financial gain.

On the face of it, I find it hard to believe that a Doctor could get away with sticking a person on a ventilator for 3 days simply for a 20% increase on what they'd get anyway, without anyone questioning or reporting said Doctor?

I've not seen the evidence, but would be intersted to know where you got that data.
Bashful · 41-45, M
It's real, but not as big as it is made out to be.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Real but hyped up to instill fear into the sheep.
Several of my friends, including my best friend have died after being hospitalized for complications of Covid-19.

The FACT that so many are now showing positive when tested is an indication that it is widespread in our community.

It is not a hoax, but most will only view it as an inconvenience until a loved one or close friend dies from it.

Of note: in most cases we are not counting those that have other pre-existing conditions and pass at home, unless we do an autopsy... at which time we may or may not test for Covid-19.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
There is a nasty cold virus out there that is not nearly as deadly as many would have us to believe. I know of one person who died of covid related illness. She was very elderly and had breathing complications from having had polio as a child.
Joe, you're in C - A - N - A - D - A !!!!! The death rate in Canada is close to half of what it is in the US ! 🤦🏼‍♀️
In my opinion, it is probably best to stop listening to the numbers.

50 states doing varying amounts of testing with various strategies of stopping this is just too insane.

Do I think it's a good time to wear a mask? Yes. That is clear.
I believe we’re in the middle of an international pandemic and the government is doing its best to protect people in balance with not letting the country go bust.
@SW-User The Federal gov't has failed to do what even a stupid person would do (look to experts, listen, act with the power you have).

If we had even a level of leadership within 10% of any of the EU countries, we would join them in being a world leaders, examples in this pandemic.

Unfortunately, we look like buffoons. We are a COUNTER-example.
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
I believe that Covid is for real and actually underreported according to many, if not most, health workers and epidemiologists.
jackson55 · M
It’s true. Too bad it’s been turned into a political football.
Tracos · 51-55, M
people are dying... thats no hoax
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Why the dissension? Because people are not in the habit of being told what needs to be done for control, hence striking out is the ultimate reaction..

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