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Do you believe in the subjectivity of reality?

Our brains cannot see, feel, hear, taste, or smell. These are all perceptions your brain picks up from sensations and waves. This reality, quite possibly, could be entirely made up. It is entirely made up.
When on acid, your perception of reality is so easily skewed because of how easily your brain can pick up false waves, or even enhance things that are really happening, from things you believe may be there. This is also so with those who are schizophrenic.
Imo the reality exists and is the same whom ever looks at you, me a wasp a bat. Quite rightly our perception is essentially made up and subjective. Its the blue and gold dress, the yanny and laurel stuff. Its colour blindness, how blind people 'see'. This can obviously be manipulated with drugs, illness, weather, our mood etc. So yes I believe in the subjectivity of reality.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
The question answers itself. The blending of perceptions that drugs like lsd cause on the gamglionic sensory regions of the brain confirm that reality is real by providing a range of ambiguous subjective experiences by the physical matter of the drug in question. Supremely so, as finding that the brain rebalances its self near as functionality can allow after a given time of exposure.

This would be analogous to throwing a bucket of sand into a Swiss clock and not having it bring the clock into a state of questionable fitness to rely on telling the time of day.

Even with increases in tolerance through the built in brain biochemistry compensator self repairing structures.

The brain has both amazing plasticity and resillience, just like the natural world that it senses as it's environment, even though that environment has a certain mallabillity or plasticity of its own.
CynicGirl · 26-30, F
why do you even assume your brain is real ?
CynicGirl · 26-30, F
@JackForrester look we both arent obviosuly astrophysics but i did study chemistry and well there is a lot of popular science out there in the media that makes for a great story but is just nonsense
JackForrester · 26-30, M
if you say so. We could totally get into alchemists belief that what is in you is without you; the world is perceived as you believe. So if you believe this to be false, it will be. To you
Haha, this really gets me going
CynicGirl · 26-30, F
@JackForrester well if you really want to get your brain rotating try readign into quantum tunneling... there you might find some actual science substance into this "connectivity"
VolpeTredici · 31-35, M
Acid really shows you how flexible reality it.
No, I don't. Reality is something that is steady and applies to all, and you're referring to something else- like personal experience.
@JackForrester If that was true then recording devices would portray something different from our brains.The term reality refers to the relationship between people and nature: most essentially expressible as movement through space-time.
JackForrester · 26-30, M
I don't mean on such a large scale. Our brains are alike, our brains will grasp towards the same things. Sight is a more tricky sort of thing to explain about this and I know I'm not doing an excellent job, but I'm talking about the whole idea of like the fact that this all is so cool that we can experience things without actually experiencing them. Like in our dreams, that is all made up from our brains, we do not have to see to see or hear to hear, that's why I'm saying things can be subjective, as far as reality itself you know@SW-User
@JackForrester Various impairments can and do exist. And then there is dreaming: the sifting and discarding of irrelevant experiences. Interesting stuff.
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JackForrester · 26-30, M
Just because a child believes a monster is under the bed does not mean a monster is under the bed. We are groomed to this reality. Anything can happen, that is why is it said we only use a small percentage of our brains. @MalteseFalconPunch
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Cierzo · M
Reality is there whether we perceive it or not. Believing the opposite is vanity, a useless desire to take God's place.
No, i view subjectivity in a more theoretical idealistic way, as for example one's views, opinion etc.
Acttwo · F
I wish the things my brain perceives as reality wasn’t all the crap on the news.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Hey now, no skitz jokes.

JackForrester · 26-30, M
Wasn't a joke @sighmeupforthat
Biffed · 31-35, M
are you schizophrenic?
JackForrester · 26-30, M
I tend to see and hear things that are not there and become quite paranoid, showing signs of being a paranoid schizophrenic at times where I have been mentally low and highly stressed. But no, I am not. The brain is a tricky thing to have @Biffed

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