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i hate my life.

sorry, but i cant stand my life, goodbye everyone. dont worry, you will never need to see me again, goodbye
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SkunkedForLIfe · 41-45, M Pinned Comment
from here on, you will never have to worry about me. forget me. its not like i was loved. i was treated like shit here. nobody cares for me. im sorry, but im beyond the point of saving. goodbye
@SkunkedForLIfe nobody gives a about me here either but im not going to do anythi g. What are you doinv right now

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Dude, people are freaking out. If you're that close call the suicide prevention line. You posted this because you know there's still hope. There is always change, and there is always a new day.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) Veterans press 1 to reach specialised support.

(The older number, 1-800-SUICIDE, is no longer published by the lifeline agency and will probably stop working in the near future.)

Online Chat:

Crisis Text Line: Text "START" to 741-741
LadyGrace · 70-79
This is a call for help from you. There are people that love you and you don't even know it. And one thing I know for certain. Jesus loves you more than you will ever know. He would not want you to take your life. He did not give it to you, to throw away. He said, "He that comes unto me, I will in no wise cast out." Those things which we cannot do, God can do. I know. He has shown me this the 45 years I have loved and served him. He will not let you down. But you gotta get real and go to him and talk to him and mean what you say. Call that suicide helpline that someone mentioned here below. Counseling will help as well. This is not so urgent that you have to kill yourself. Think seriously about what you are about to do. Stay and see who cares. So many here, do. I'm one of them.
Africalaskin · 26-30, F
Life is tough, and there are many days I think the same. You can choose to have a negative or positive perspective on it though. You ever hear the Buddhists say life is an illusion? When you realize life is an illusion you then reach nirvana. I like to interpret that as once you realize you are the one holding yourself back you can find peace in life.
We can take all our bad experiences and use them. Make them shape us in better ways. The bad things in our lives dont have to define us. Learn from them. Its important to not hold back on your emotions and experience them. It gives you the gift of empathy. You can change things. I know its hard, but life can get better. Achieving happiness is possible.
Africalaskin · 26-30, F
There are millions of people in the world. Explore it..find a crowd if that really what you want. No one needs to love you. You need to love yourself. People are temporary but you'll always have yourself. Find live in art, travel, or try loving people the way you wish someone loved you by helping people just like you. Become the person you wish you had.
Africalaskin · 26-30, F
I know what loneliness is like, but I see people on here trying to reach outvto you. Accept it, and try from there.
@Africalaskin i think its too late 😭😭😭
SkunkedForLIfe · 41-45, M
sorry everyone, im beyond the point of saving. there is nobody who loves me. nobody who cares about me. this world has been cruel to me. i cant live anymore. goodbye everyone. have a good day
@Haileygamer099 um i hope not...
@SW-User maybe he is thinking about it? he cant be dead 😢
@Haileygamer099 i dont know. I PMd but no answer
LadyGrace · 70-79
You DO matter. Give us a chance, please. And give God a chance to transform your life. Love you!
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Hope you do nothing drastic, man.
@5thApprentice i think its too latel he made it obvious he wants to end his life, 😭
please, it will be alright ok? omg dont you dare do this on me! give me a sign!
LadyGrace · 70-79
Kill yourself, and you'll hate your life even more. You will look back and think this life was a picnic, compared to an eternity in the wrong place. At least now, you have an option, if you will take it. No one can talk you out of it if you have your mind set, I'm sure. But I bet you have not even asked yourself where you will spend eternity after you die. Our sins separate us from God. If you die with your sins unforgiven, you will be separated from God forever. There's no coming back. no second chances. Do not try to solve a temporary problem by making a permanent mistake. Your life will not always be this way. Even if you do not believe in God, that doesn't mean there isn't one. And if you're wrong, which is a possibility, you've lost everything . You will suffer for eternity. Not worth it. You must take this very seriously. Make the right choice while you can. The solution is not killing yourself. The solution is coming to Jesus, and asking him to be your personal Savior. He loves you and he will never ever turn your way. He saved me, and he can save you the very same way. He has saved thousands of people. Your decision is irreversible. Don't mess this up. You can't change it. You may think I'm wrong, but what if I'm right? I don't have to guess. I know what Jesus has done for me as my Savior. He gave me a whole new life, as he does everyone who asks Him, when I was feeling just like you. All you have to do is ask. He knows if you mean it or not. He knows your heart. He never turns anyone away.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Haileygamer099 Let me tell you something, honey. This person had a lot of problems way before he decided to do this. His problems began way before you. He would've done this anyway, if that is what he did. It just was not one thing or one person. It was an accumulation of things. Don't do this to yourself. If you've apologized to him, then there's nothing more you can do.
@LadyGrace your right, but i still feel terrible
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Haileygamer099 I know. Everyone should pray for this young man.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
This is really sad.. I hope you're okay.
@rottenrobi i dont think he is 😢😭
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@SkunkyLover, no matter what happens, this is not your fault. Please don't take this all on yourself.
I genuinely hope he says something soon, and it's not the outcome we're assuming.
@rottenrobi you and me both
Paloma · 26-30, F
But what about getting sprayed by a skunk? It's on your bucket list!! 😨
SkunkedForLIfe · 41-45, M
@SkunkedForLIfe dont do this 😞😢
@SkunkedForLIfe please stay. ill stay by your side, ill support you. please. please dont do this! im begging you life is worth living! im depressed too but that hasnt stopped me! you gotta look at the positive things in life
valhalla · M
That is an action that cant be reversed.
@valhalla i think its too late. he isnt reponding to my messages, or my friends messages, he isnt reolying... i think the deed has been done 😭
No what happened?
I really hope he is ok😞
no, please dont leave
When you go up tell them to add yours in my account
@SW-User go away
@Haileygamer099 🚶🏽‍♂️
Miram · 31-35, F
Second goodbye I read today.

At least you and I are strangers.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
@NartTheDragon That is easier said , than done, for people who are this depressed.
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coolboy86 · 36-40, M
i hate mine too
dont you dare leave us! show us your alive!! SHOW US YOUR ALIVE
@NartTheDragon im desperate!
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@NartTheDragon i AM thinking about him. i dont want him to die! now stfu
BabyLonia · F
There are other options, there are always other options.
wait you arent going to kill yourself are you?? please, domt
SkunkedForLIfe · 41-45, M
@SkunkyLover sorry, i cant live in this living living hell. nobody cares about me. goodbye

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