She's probably right lol, moms are almost always right , but it doesn't mean you have to leave him because of her. Whatever he is , it's your time to take risks, to make mistakes, to fall in love,to learn. You're old enough , not a little kid anymore.
Elegy · 46-50
If you think your mom has some good insight you should listen to her and decide for yourself. If you think she is prejudiced in some way you should not.
Elegy · 46-50
Trust your mom but trust yourself.
Shaman · 26-30
Maybe you should be cautious with the guy

Don't let he control your relationships, even if she gives you wise advice. She is of a different generation than you are. If it is your heart that finds love with him, your mom can't change how that feels

maybe she sees something you don't
I went for the guy my mom liked
just because she would've made my life hell
it wasn't a bad decision
You need to do you /as they say
I went for the guy my mom liked
just because she would've made my life hell
it wasn't a bad decision
You need to do you /as they say