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Is there something wrong with me

I do wonder if I'm cold hearted.

Theres a homeless man that's set up camp outside work.

These people are acting like it's big news. I boxed up some fruit and a colleague gave him a bottle of water.

We tried to speak to him now 4x and he is breathing and only grunts clearly to be left to rest.

Anyways I have messaged the street link people to come and help...

The amount of people asking me if he's OK. It's pissing me off. Why don't they go out there!
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Thankyou for helping him
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Matt85 I don't do it for praise... But thank you
Catzgano · 31-35, F
No there’s nothing wrong with you. Ppl would rather ask questions instead of directly deal with something like that. We have tent cities that pop up and they like clear them then they pop up somewhere else so there isn’t really much you can do except say like idk go ask him? Or some short but nice of way of getting rid of them
Catzgano · 31-35, F
@Mellowgirl we had a sinkhole they were working on for like a month and every patient would ask about it. I finally just updated every patient instead of being interrupted so I totally got ahead and then moved on.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Catzgano irritating!
Catzgano · 31-35, F
@Mellowgirl yes like ppl assumed the construction guys were coming in daily to update us on their lack of progress 🙄
4meAndyou · F
He is clearly trying to sleep off his last bender. Whether it's drugs, or alcohol, it's impossible to say, but obviously he just wants to sleep.

Thank you for trying to help him.

Having worked at a Homeless Shelter for a number of years, I can tell you that I have become somewhat cynical about the homeless. Your guy would be inside a shelter if he wasn't an addict, and if he could follow simple rules.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou very sad state of affairs!
My favorite story about "homeless" people (from many years ago) revolves around a guy standing on the freeway bridge median at US60 and Gilbert Road holding a sign that said "WHY LIE, I NEED A BEER"

After laughing my ass off, I rolled down the window, gave him a $20 and mentioned that the store on the nearby corner was having a sale on 30 packs for $18.88

Gotta respect his honesty.....!!!
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Threepio well they do say ask and you shall receive!
@Mellowgirl IKR....
jehova · 31-35, M
They are/were scared of him concerned but lazy. u did and are doing what they know they shouldve. So they are living vicariously through you. They didnt have the guts to do what u did rightly so by asking they can justifying having done nothing as being enough.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@jehova they're annoying asf...
I'm over them and their appearing to help!
jehova · 31-35, M
@Mellowgirl word you re the best
You're a very generous person for trying to help him. In fact, you're so generous, others assume you have special knowledge of this guy, which is why they're asking you about him. You should tell the next person who asks "I have no idea, i just gave him some fruit a while ago. Why don't you ask him how he's doing and tell me?
No... You are not cold hearted and there is nothing wrong with you.

Why don't they go out there!
Simple... People are inherently lazy and very few are comfortable putting themselves in a position they feel may be stressful.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Threepio the guy that also went out to help he responded to a message today where I had asked whether the homeless charity came out to help. He was basically fuming much like me about how staff behaved. Especially as our business is about helping people. We had a talk last year from a charity called shelter, we work along side them actually anyways. In the talk they advised what to do in such situations for the homeless or vulnerable person...
Clearly noone took that message on board.

I sent over the adult and child 999 emergency checklist should that happen again. Hopefully our wellbeing team can do a talk on that.
exchrist · 31-35
He needs rest it sounds like but at least they are expressing concern. Its gonna be seriously hot this summer i hope he makes it.
No, you’re not cold-hearted at all. You’ve already done much more to help than the majority of people would. 🥺

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