I don't have a problem with people doing whatever the hell they want as long as they mind their business. I don't care if you tie each other up in chains hanging from the ceiling and beat each other with socks full of nickels. I just don't wanna hear about it. Sex is suppose to be private. Its suppose to be between consenting adults behind closed doors. I don't have a problem with the LGB part because atleast that still makes sense. Lesbians like women, gays like men, and bisexuals like both. That makes sense to me. I'm cool with that. Am I worried about men hitting on me? Absolutely not, I've already been hit on multiple times, just tell them I'm not interested and move on. T and all the other letters don't. (I can't keep up with all of them anyway) Trans for example. Theres no such thing as transitioning from a man to a woman or vice versa. You are what your DNA says you are. I don't care to hear the gender debate because thats a nonsensical word. If you feel like a woman then you are a woman? Ok, today I feel like I'm a giraffe. No, I know I'm a giraffe so you better address me as such and make accomodations for me. Do you see how silly that is? I know you probably are gonna say its completely different. "Gender is how someone feels about themselves blah blah blah" I thought that was just called personality? Why can't they just accept the truth? Why cant they accept they are in fact a male or female? You can still live your life, think and do what you wanna do. Date you who wanna date.
And for the LGBT community and all the apparent "genders" there are, seems kind of backwards that they include bisexual and non-binary in their group, because both imply there are only 2 genders. So which is it? I didn't use to have such a big problem with it until I started seeing the LGBT propaganda everywhere I go. A lot of that is from companies trying to make a buck by making themselves appear they're for equality and such when in reality they couldn't give a rats ass, so not entirely the LGBT communitys fault. Nobody cares who you do it with or how you like to be screwed. Why is that something we celebrate? I don't ever recall there being a heterosexual parade?
Also seeing a lot of characters now in tv shows and movies and their whole personality is solely dependent on their gender and sexual orientation. Wow, their personality really runs deep doesn't it. We don't care! We like characters for who they are, we like a character with a good back story, one that has character development, etc. If you wanna slip in there somewhere they're gay or something thats fine, but don't base their entire personality on it.
Keep it in the bedroom like normal folks, don't parade in the street in assless chaps and strap on dildos. Especially when there are children present. I know I know its the parents responsibility and such but some parents are fucking stupid and children gotta suffer for it. Also we are not transphobic or homophobic, phobic implies an irrational fear of something and I can assure you we're not afraid. Just annoyed. I'm also not for the puberty blockers. Did you know they use Leuprolide? The same stuff used to chemically castrate sexual deviants? You wanna put that in your child? Speaking of which, leave kids out of it for christs sake. Saw a post about kids being brought to a bar with a drag show going on, men in skimpy outfits. Saw another one where the parents had the kid put money in the strippers jock strap or whatever it was. Another one where a mother basically destroyed her sons life by putting him on puberty blockers and now he has a micropenis, cant experience physical pleasure and cant afford to transition either. This was all recent too, like this year. Children do not understand what sex and gender is. To them anything and everything is possible. They live in a fantasy world, thats just how children are. They believe in Santa Claus, but atleast that is harmless and they grow out of it. A child cannot make that sort of decision for themselves, because they do not know how to distinguish reality from fiction. If a boy says he's a girl, ask him what he means by that. More than likely hes going to say things like "Oh because i like to wear dresses and pink and such" OK so what? He's just a kid and clearly does not understand what a girl is.
Animals, such as frogs, change their sex in a single sex environment. Its a survival mechanism, not because they want it. If you studied biology at all you would know that animals have evolved in many crazy ways in order to procreate and outlast other species. Have you seen tropical birds and what they do to win a mate? Its insane! You won't see that anywhere else in the animal kingdom. Also frogs and such are literally capable of changing their sex, thats how their bodies work, they undergo an incredibly complex chemical process that changes their bodies from the inside out.. So do many invertebrates. Animals act on instinct. They think about food, sleep, and sex. Nothing else. Their goal is to eat, breed and die. That's about it. Some animals are a little more sophisticated sure but gender identity does not exist in the animal kingdom. Humans and other mammals cannot do that, its just not physically possible. Attaching fake tits and rearranging your colon to look like a vagina does not make you a woman.