Well. I wasn't expecting that today.
About two hours ago, in a Telegram chat, I was called a homophobe. Because the topic of religion came up, and I mentioned that my religious beliefs prohibit me from forcing my religious beliefs down other people's throats.
The person in question said that was an obvious homophobic dog whistle. When I replied that I'm literally bisexual, they said that was the equivalent of saying I had a black friend.
Needless to say, I did not handle that well. That person, and at least one other in the chat, started calling for me to be kicked because I felt personally threatened and my fight or flight kicked in. And now I don't even want to go back into that chat, because those people are still there. Because I'm still fighting that BPD urge to run after them, shaking my fist and screaming that I'm a good person, when I'm not even sure I believe that myself.
The worst part is, if I dug deep enough, if I looked under that veneer of righteousness, I'm pretty sure I'd find the face of biphobia. I've heard it's rampant within the LGBT community, but I never would have believed it.
The person in question said that was an obvious homophobic dog whistle. When I replied that I'm literally bisexual, they said that was the equivalent of saying I had a black friend.
Needless to say, I did not handle that well. That person, and at least one other in the chat, started calling for me to be kicked because I felt personally threatened and my fight or flight kicked in. And now I don't even want to go back into that chat, because those people are still there. Because I'm still fighting that BPD urge to run after them, shaking my fist and screaming that I'm a good person, when I'm not even sure I believe that myself.
The worst part is, if I dug deep enough, if I looked under that veneer of righteousness, I'm pretty sure I'd find the face of biphobia. I've heard it's rampant within the LGBT community, but I never would have believed it.