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Loverofthebeautiful · 41-45, F
Sorry to hear that. He might come around eventually. My dad took a while when I told him I was a lesbian.

Graylight · 51-55, F
People are doing the best they can with what they have. For all your mistakes, triumphs, struggles and humanity, remember that your father is in the exact same boat.

If you have concerns, talk to him; otherwise, accept your part in this. But to think a man already dealing with his life is going to take his daughter being biselxual in stride, then I think you're being a bit overly optimistic.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Use this as an opportunity to distance yourself from him. Just bc he's family does not mean he has to stay in your life
Juvia · 18-21, F
@deadgerbil Eventually. Like I really want him to be in my baby's life as well, but it's like one of those things where god forbid my child were bi or lesbian or whatever otherwise he might toss them to the curb too.
Juvia · 18-21, F
Private life I should clarify he also means anything I do. With my partner, with any baby I have. etc.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I'm glad you know that he didn't pass your test of who's worthy a place in your life. Now you can focus on those who are.
Juvia · 18-21, F
@Queendragonfly He's gotten weirdly more cold as time goes on. Weird because he was warm when I was a kid but I grew boobs and now I'm no longer any good and now I have a distant father lol
Morrowind · 26-30, M
I’ve never told my dad anything personal about my life. I can’t go there with my mom either
does your dad still love you?
Juvia · 18-21, F
@beermeplease Loves me a lot. But everyone has differing opinions about stuff. He's always been distant.
@Juvia at least he loves you...that's all that matters...reach out to dad
Hello my fellow non straight friend
Raaii · 22-25, F
It's ok too🙇‍♀️👐
Well family members shouldn’t know anything about one’s intimate private life. He should be willing to accept and make an effort if you bring someone home if the same gender though.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
It's like I always say:blood means NOTHING;who you are biologically related to is an accident of birth.CARING and COMMITMENT are what makes a family,and always will.
I don't think it's bad that he doesn't want to do anything. Think about it, it's better then him being actively involved in everything and opposing you.
Very similar experience I had with my family. Sorry to hear your struggle hope everything gets better
I’m sorry. Coming out can be horrible, sometimes. 🖤
fuglyrat1234 · 36-40, F
Omg its gonna be ok

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