BlueVeins · 22-25
What incredible times we live in. ☮️
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
Canada is awesome :)
sandrides · 31-35, M
Me too
A lost cause-politicians like Trudeau, see one thing, not LGBTQ equality, but VOTES. Same here in the states. A Politician will sell out his/her country for their benefit and their agenda(s).
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Swirlie, did you mean "thank" instead of that God?@swirlie
swirlie · F
You need not explain that to me or anyone else, but thank you.@swirlie
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Sensible ..
butterflymind1 · F
Wiseacre · F
Believe me, it's not pure...better than trump, tho!
lemonboy · 22-25, M
I love Canada ☺️
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Spades · 26-30, M
Rutterman · 46-50, M
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Yes, I love it. Go Canada. Finally a step in the right direction, religious people can't use their religion to be nasty to other people 😍
midnightsun · 26-30, M
That's kinda stupid
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
You can stay here if we can send that moron trudeau there
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I wish it were easier for disabled people to move there.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Atheists oughta love that too
Success · 26-30, F
As it should be. Zealots refusing to serve gays are in service to Satan.
swirlie · F
And who started multiculturalism in Canada, which means equality for all, was Justin Trudeau's father... Pierre Trudeau, who became Prime Minister of Canada back in the mid-1960's. Justin Trudeau further advanced that 'freedom for all' cause by fully supporting LGBT Rights on all levels of Canadian Democracy.
FYI I Have a number of Good Canadian friends who would very much disagree with you on that. EOD.@swirlie
swirlie · F
I actually don't believe you have ANY friends at all, which is why you sound so insecure and paranoid about anything going on in the real world, which is that place that lies just outside the boundaries of your internet world.
I actually don't believe you have ANY friends at all, which is why you sound so insecure and paranoid about anything going on in the real world, which is that place that lies just outside the boundaries of your internet world.