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Is is weird that I get new crushes really easily?

I mean it took me a while to get over my most recent one because we were really connected and talked all the time (honestly we might as well have been dating, cuz we did acted like a couple, but of course we nvr made out or anything cuz nobody's like out of the closet or anything)
(unfortunately still culturally unaccepted in our country, parents, and school so yeah unless you want to be scrutinised as the next topic of gossip)

But I have a new crush on a junior now (which isn't too great cuz seniority is respected and all that and I probably look like some unapproachable person)
It was really quick though, and like I literally was eye-candying a few people before I started crushing on her.
but I feel like i crush on people too easily ahaa is that bad, Im scared cuz of this i wont be ready for a relationship or smth
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SeNiOrItY is “respected”. 😹

you should never respect some Mf on the basis that they’re older and therefore superior or deserving of something better than the rest. That’s how you get played ho.
firelaw · 22-25, F
@SW-User That's your opinion sure. I'm assuming you haven't taken culture into consideration. It's different for Asian cultures. I won't speak for all asian cultures, but at least with my Chinese, Indian, Korean and Japanese friends around me, that's how things work. I respected my seniors and my juniors respect my batch. Not saying that it's the best way to have things. In fact in my case it's rather annoying. However, it is the way my community functions, it's not something that can be easily changed.
ladycae · 100+, F
are these girls gay?
firelaw · 22-25, F
@ladycae Dunno, unfortunately it isn't an open topic. People still use 'gay' as an insult or make jokes about flamboyant boys they're certain are gay. Maybe it's easier to tell with some guys in school but with girls, its almost impossible to tell. I mean you have straight girls posting pictures of themselves kissing their friends for fun. (personally don't get why people do that but still think homosexuality is wrong) so it's literally impossible unless you straight up ask. I've only told my really close, long-lasting friends, and I do know a few other lgbt ppl in school but none of them are my crushes aha. Girls are really flirty so you never know.

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