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Is being gay/lesbian normal/natural?

Now I don't mean to sound ignorant or mean or offend anyone. And before people get all judgemental and start rwporting me just know my bestfriend is a lesbian whom I openly support and encourage to live her life her way. It's just that I wonder, isn't it against nature to have feelings for the same sex? Shouldn't opposites attract? Isn't that supposed to be the basic design of nature?

P.S: Please channel your efforts into healthy debates and discussion rather than irrational abuses and hate.
TAReturns · M
It’s normal for them as much as being heterosexual is for others
Aarushi · 31-35, F
@TAReturns with all due respect isn't that against the law of nature?
dondon · M
@Aarushi nature has no law
XReaganX · 26-30, F
As for myself, it may not make sense in procreation but there's no other way. I've tried the whole, "I'll try to be normal and marry a guy."

That didn't change anything. I wasn't being true to myself and left me a lot of pain instead. can question it all you want, it won't make a difference to people like myself.
@XReaganX oooooooh 👀.. didn’t know you were a lesbian
XReaganX · 26-30, F
@SW-User I know. I'm one of those people that don't really announce it off the roof tops. Lmao
Love has no boundaries.. plain and simple
dondon · M
@SW-User I think there should be some boundaries 0_o
@dondon haha.. 😆
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Graylight · 51-55, F
People tend to confuse "normal" with "right." Just because something is a variation of normal doesn't mean it's any less valid. For instance, only a small percentage of people have green eyes - doesn't make green eyes abnomal, inferior or wrong.

Hundreds of animal species have shown to exhibit some level of same sex behavior. It's a legitimate as any other sexual behavior.
Elegy · 46-50
It's pretty commonly understood these days that it's a spectrum not binary. Out on opposing fringes you have pure gay and pure heterosexual and they are extreme minorities.
Between them, every possible shade of complexity, everyone else.

P.S. It is theorised to be genetic. There can be other factors as well.
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JonathanC · 61-69, M
Putting a dick in my mouth feels just as natural to me as putting my own dick or my tongue into a vagina. It feels right, and it feels wonderful. And I love the taste of cum, and the feeling of that spurt in my mouth, so why not do it? Why deny myself something that gives me (and another man) pleasure?
Madelyn · 26-30, F
It occurs in nature and does not seem to be a recent phenomenon (e.g., you can look back at accounts of homosexuality in Ancient Greece). It does not seem to be evolutionarily advantageous, since gay couples can't have children, but there are plenty of examples of people being born with something that's not evolutionarily advantageous.
Aarushi · 31-35, F
@Madelyn That's the most valid argument I've ever heard on this topic. Thank you.
Truly speaking it's definitely against nature. Nature has designed humans to get attracted to opposite gender. So that generation continues. Rest all is like a fancy attraction. What's your point on this.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SW-User If it's against nature, why would it be observable in dozens, if not hundreds, of species?

How do you know the species doesn't have a built-in failsafe to prevent overpopulation?
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Graylight · 51-55, F
@SW-User Wow, but you have a poor grasp of science and fact.
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
No it's very unatural just the devil deceiving people. All people are straight
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Graylight · 51-55, F
It's the devil keeping her from education and empowerment too.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Mountainlady16 all people are straight lol? Tell that to my best friend and his gay porn collection
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Appeal to nature is a logical fallacy, but you find homosexuality in all almost all animals. What's more is just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's better. Tsunamis are natural, so is poison ivy.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Pfuzylogic like you insult a whole group of marginalized people who don't harm you at all?
Pfuzylogic · M
I refuted your silly point about how you defend something as natural and then you break down because you realize how valid your argument was. That is hardly attacking any marginalized group. It means that you need to think with real facts.
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firelaw · 22-25, F
Honestly, I'm Bi myself, and I have a few Bi/Les friends too, but we all come from the same school. I've been in a girls' school for 10 years, idk maybe environment may be part of it too. Like the amount of gay couples that just pop up in school are honestly amazing. In my whole life I've liked like, two guys, and like five girls probably. I always wondered if it's only cuz my options are more limited to one gender.
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dondon · M
@Feuerwehrmann your argument is false, please try another one
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patkaren1717 · 41-45, M
Yes it is for the people that are born that way.
dondon · M
There is no nature/natural in our lives.
Peaceful · F
As natural as being straight is. 🤓
I’m a firm believer in you love who you love. You can’t change the way you feel about someone and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it either. Everyone wants happiness so when you find it hold onto it 😊
Darkchocolate · 31-35, M
Yes it is as natural as being straight.One should seek pleasures that works best for them.Experiment and try till you find what satisfies you he best mentally and physically.
bethjuicy · F
we did a thing in class about some animals that like go same sex in natur some birds and other things do like same sex stuff
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
Well I think my bisexuality is natural. Sure I have had to fight against my homosexual side a few times as it is not considered normal.
Sure. It's not the norm. But neither is having red hair.
It's not particularly adherent to what one would expect of nature.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
I think yes.
Like a lot of things these days, it's the new normal, like school shootings and category 5 hurricanes
Completely natural, like hemophilia and the black plague
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