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I love this man's speech. Such a perfect reaction to the push for gay rights.

2 minutes. Worth the watch.😉👍
[b]I hope you will not think my words, as those of an enemy.[/b]

you are so going to feel insulted, for this I am sorry, but when we enter the world of public discourse, we do so with an understanding that we may have to be exposed to ideas we do not like

I was put off right at the start,
"the Reverend Doctor" self description, choosing, to elevate himself above us regular folks.

America is NOT and never was, a Christian Nation
The founders KNEW the price of a religious imposition, hence they allowed for no "establishment of religion". the Colonies were often founded by those that were [i]not[/i] of the ruling order, Like Catholics from England, as well as the puritans and pilgrims, protestants from Germany and France. WARS uncountable came from this. Show us in the constitution where he bible is stated as a tool of our independence.

"good intelligent orthodox Christians" thus leaving out the millions of Christians that support such minorities, Like the Anglicans, Lutherans, many Catholics, so many main stream Christian Sects.

I do not want [b]Special[/b] rights for anyone, but to give gays, equal rights, is not the establishment of special Rights, just equal ones.

what rights do you lose?
liberal? read the words of Jesus. (I have, a lot! he was entirely inclusive, of any person, sinner or not

[c=#800000]The right of segregation?[/c] what is this the 1850s?
all in support of racial segregation, [i][b]by his own admission[/b][/i] an argument in favor of racial segregation, Do you believe in that as well? Is your Blood Pure? [i]I can prove it is not[/i].

it is not my intention to denigrate what you believe, but during my admittedly longer life, I have watched with dismay, Americans turn on their countrymen, directed to do so by people with the agenda of being on top, over others, and using fear and hate to divide our country. I reject the idea of left vs right, conservative vs liberal, as overly simplistic, as wedges that keep us divided, while the looters at the top, sell us all out.

thank ou for taking the time to read this, if you have gotten this far. Civil Discourse is a great tool for healing our wounded nation.

[i]just for fun,
Watch the handmaid's tale, a fiction of an America that is controlled by a biblical oligarchy[/i]
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....doesn't that mean you do care a bit?
@Pikachu it does!
looking back soonish
tbh I support the rights of any that have been under pressure. Like Women.
@quietlitany women's rights is not a coded message.
as white males, we have lived in privilege and it is harder for us to see what others experience, till we go and see for ourselves
[quote]We shouldn't have to pay for other people's poor decisions.[/quote]
humans are not perfect. what is better a nation chock full of under fed under educated poor and illiterates? or one where there is enough for all

BTW I like your Wonka Quote, you might note tho, that in contexts, Mr Wonka was dismissing the very thing he sought.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@SatyrService Sure it is. White privilege is Marxist-Lite bullshit.

Women enjoy longer lifespans, safer working conditions, commit less suicide, don't have to sign up for the draft but get all of the benefits in a society they don't have to contribute too, and get special treatment in legal, serving less time for the same crime and enjoy favor in child support cases.

Women are the privileged class in the US.

People choose to fuck, choose to abort - they pay. Not us.

I like your Wonka knowledge. I find you tolerable, but to be fair, he had to test Charlie. ;)
@quietlitany I too find you tolerable, and tolerance is the first step to recognizing the humanity of others.

and you are correct, in the charlie test,
[c=#003BB2]( p.s, i hated the new one, THEN someone said watch it again, see the new wonka as Michael Jackson I did, it was SCARY)
hmm, it is hard to see a thing, if you are on it. we DO have privilege, it shows in pay grades, unwanted sexual advances, and centuries of near chattel slavery,
we DO have he most empowered women here in history and a history that is based on such.
the anglo-american world has had many potent women figures, and we DO have more tolerance for such people as Elizabeth the first, Victoria, Dolly Madison, Uppity Women, make us better men. you are very correct about the child custody thing, I do volunteer work in that issue.

I learned an odd thing, from those in my circle that are, homophobic, ( I am not, More womem for me!!?) it took a while, but I got agreement when i asked
"So you dont like homo's because you say" "[c=#800000]I dont want some man lookin at MY ASS[/c]." well that is what every mother sister daughter girlfriend you have ever had has had to put up with since she grew tits.

I am no Marxist, not even.
marx, ( always confused with lenin,)
was as ignorant of human nature, as Adam Smith. I am more old school libertarian, [i]an extinct group[/i]

When was the last time YOU had to sign up for the draft? at best a theoretical stance. I prefer a volunteer force, I prefer volunteer everything. coercion, is the true enemy of Liberty

I also support the idea, that we should be able to Opt Out, of things we do not want to take part in , like that dollar to the presidential election fun in our takes, I opt Out, IN oregeon, when hey legalzed canabis, we included an Opt our for counties and cities. t[i]hey also chose get a much smaller part of the tax revenues.[/i]

[quote]People choose to fuck, choose to abort - they pay. Not us.[/quote]
well I for one have, in the heat of the moment have chosen poorly at times, Never so for you?
my point about legal and cheap abortions, is the cost, to our country of ill fed, ill bred, ill educated people.
if your stance is the [i]its a life[/i] stance, i have at this time no comfortable way to open that can of worms.

One abortion makes the difference between a young low end work single mom, and one that might have gone on to be educated and a worthy productive person, maybe even a good parent when the time is right. I would rather pay for 6 abortions, than the much greater cost, in taxes, of the public education, and perhaps incarceration, of people living below the edge of poverty. yes, some might call that elitist. but it is no blessing to be poor, just a damn hardship

Thank you sir, for the pleasure of civil discourse!
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
I support the LGBT community
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LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@Celine I think people.from this community are the kindest and pure at heart .... I love them 😘<3
lorne13 · 61-69, M
Gay rights are human rights
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Pikachu So what did you win?

Spoken like a sore loser

Peace bitch!😆😆😆
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Pikachu Ha! You don’t even know what you “won”. 😂
quietlitany · 36-40, M
Old news. DOMA's done. Separation of church and state. Oh a racial spin at the end, cool. 🙄
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quietlitany · 36-40, M
@Celine I'm glad DOMA's gone. It was unconstitutional.
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
HA! That was awesome. I love how he starts to stumble on what he's reading towards the end.
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