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Microsoft phone call

I cannot believe this scam is still a thing!!
' im calling you from microsoft because your computer has been seriously compromised but a security breech"
I let him go on for a bit. 'I need you to log into your computer so we can fix this'
Me..'which computer...we have 5'
'The one you usually use. It doesnt really matter because they all have the same IP address and will all be affected can you sign into your computer now m'am.'

So i hung up. He rang straight back...'why did you hang up on me, this is seriously important, you must let me help you'

Ah.. feck off!!!!! Lol🤣😂
Must have had this call a hundred times over the last 20 years!!!!
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eMortal · M
It never ends.
There's a whole industry out there.
Those who call you with the scenario mentioned above are the least threatening.
Real cyber criminals go after trade secrets, patents, ideas stored in your PC. You'll never know they were there. When they want money they go after large institutions.
To protect yourself don't check email, text, chat, do leisure browsing on the phone or computer that holds your important information.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Ah yes Daniel the lead security support from New Delhi....

These videos are real fun to watch
"I'm calling you from Micro...".

"Oh no!!! I really need my microwave right now... I'm baking jacket potatoes in it for my lunch, you see... 🤣🤣🤣
smiler2012 · 61-69
@RubySoo 😞yes i will hold my hand up and been done over by a scam luckily i realised and cancelled the payment
Nimbus · M
@smiler2012 Could have been worse.
You could have been offered a season ticket for Anfield for £5 but luckily you realised it wasn't worth it. 😆
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Nimbus 🤔i did nimby was offered one for old trafford for half the price and told them too get stuffed you are robbing me lol
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Did he say he was from "The Microsoft"? 😆

Did he have an Indian accent, yet his name was Patrick?

Scam o' rama.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I have been watching YouTubes by some hacker-types fed up with phone scams. So they organize and fight back, and report them to police, and in some cases gain acesss to their computers and copy and delete files, and turn on their webcams and show their faces back to them.

It culminated in a huge bust in India. It always seems to be Indians. They were being protected by a politician who also is in trouble now.

Of course, you cannot trust all you see on YouTube, but it was entertaining and satisfying.

My last spam call was for somebody who wanted to sell me new air ducts. I rent an apartment! Sheesh.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I could understand the calls, since they have no clue my number is an apartment. But what I find funny is when I get mail for such things. Although I suspect they just use a list from the post office, or something. Still, it is a waste of paper and postage!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JoyfulSilence There is a huge trade in people's names and addresses, and it's very unlikely many of those using them for unsolicited posts or telephone calls will know, or even care, what house types we occupy. Their systems are probably heavily automated anyway.
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I had one of those calls once. I screwed around with him for almost 15 minutes before he realized I was on a Mac.
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RubySoo · 56-60, F
@saragoodtimes oooh...thats a new one on me!!
Give the phone to your toddler grandchild and say it's Santa, guarantee they'll never call again.

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