i think there are so many many reasons for mass shootings. I blame bad parenting, lack of mental health options, violent video games, and Newt Gingrich.
@OwnerOfMany What I was saying is that the drugs are not to blame...most of those people had been taking them and they were helping. The problems came when they stopped taking them.
Methylphenidate helps people with executive functioning i.e decision making and prioritizing. I know adults who still take low doses. ADHD is a spectrum disorder, like Autism.
Yours is an interesting idea...but there is no evidence.@Carla
@SW-User I am unable to reply directly to your comment but
When I was in high school, half of the senior class had a shotgun or rifle in the parking lot during hunting season and 80 percent of the boys carried or wore a pocket knife with them in school every day.. Two things we didn't have. Gun violence and medicated students
You don't know that there were not students in your school who were not taking medication.
1. Because that is none of your business and not information given freely to anyone other than school officials 2. Because people don't typically walk around saying "I take anti depressants"
Especially in highschool and in the days when you were that young (yea you are no spring chicken)
Your anecdotal "evidence" means absolutely nothing.
There is no equivalence from your little story to the issues at hand today.
I’ve never been on anti-depressants. Just trying to find out if other people agree that they are playing a role in the increase of mass shootings. @EpluribusUnum
Considering 40 years ago almost no one took pills for this shit and there weren't nearly as many (reported) mass shootings as there are now, yes
@xixgun When I was in high school, half of the senior class had a shotgun or rifle in the parking lot during hunting season and 80 percent of the boys carried or wore a pocket knife with them in school every day.. Two things we didn't have. Gun violence and medicated students..
I dunno, it’s kind of a “chicken or egg” situation. Are we medicating more kids because there are more cases of depression ? Or are the cases of depression becoming more severe because we’re resorting to pills rather than counseling or commitment to hospitals, as was done in the past ?
@bijouxbroussard the idea that people are popping anti depressants in large numbers without having gone to therapy is a myth. Yes, it happens. No, it isn't the issue.
As well..being committed to a hospital means you are not functional in life. Having depression doesn't automatically mean you need to be committed.
Depression is not the only mental health issue.
I would venture to guess that if the shooters have any mental health issues they would be diagnosed with psychopathy, sociopathy and or narcissism.
Of which antidepressants do nothing for. Those would be antipsychotic drugs. Which must be administered by a psychiatrist. Who monitors the patients while taking the medication.
@JaggedLittlePill Well, as someone who’s suffered from crippling bouts of depression most of my life and has never been committed but has been put on every anti- depressant imaginable between the ages 25–55, i’m just speculating, since I’ve also never subsequently shot anyplace up. Kids are being put on all kinds of meds for ADHD, OCD, anxiety disorder, Bipolar disorder, for behaviors once considered just part of being a child. So while I admit I don’t have answers, I understand why the question is being asked. If nobody felt compelled to shoot up my Catholic school, considering how horrid some of those nuns were, I don’t get why it happens so frequently now. 😓
@bijouxbroussard Maybe the kids are also getting brain damage from the highfrequency electronic monsters zapping us all AND feeling betrayed underneath all that, and no hope ahead of them...and then bad food and no love and god knows what else....any SWeep can add a list of ten things on top of that....
You know BB...with enough impetus, something gives. That is really the reason.